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House Rules
Physical Mutations
 Additional Body Parts
 Decreased Sense
 Defective Biology
 Enhanced Biology
 Enlarged Body Parts
 Increased Sense
 Physical Size Enhancements
Mental Mutations
 Mental Defect

hdr bulletHouse Rules


The following House Rules will be used to implement additonal mutations and progressive updates to existing mutations as the characters gain levels.

Additional Mutations: During the character creation process, a mutant animal, humanoid, or plant may decide he or she wants additional mutations beyond the random number rolled. This can be done by taking a defective mutation which then allows the character to roll for an additional mutation based on the defective mutation type gained. Only one additional mutation per character can be gained this way and only during the character creation phase. For Physical mutations, the mutant must roll one mutation on the Defective Biology category. If the second mutation is also a defect, the mutant is not allowed to reroll.

Advancing Mutations: It is possible for a mutant to gain additional uses of a power, additional bonuses to abilities or combat modifiers, or even other mutations as he advances in level. If the mutation lists an advancement definition, the mutant may select an advancement when he goes up in level as long as the advancement rate is not violated and only one mutation may be advanced per level. Defective mutations cannot be advanced or made better with this rule.

Advancement rate refers to how often a mutant may select an advanced feature for a mutation. It is typically limited by a ratio to the mutant’s level such as once per 4 levels. In this case the mutant could choose one advancement between levels 2 through 4, another between 5 through 8, etc… A mutation cannot gain an advanced feature at 1st level. Environmental Mutations: If the mutant gains a duplicate mutation due to prolonged exposure to radiation, he may automatically advance the mutation one step if advancement is allowed. This advancement is not counted against the normal advancement process based on character levels.

Poison advancement: If the mutant starts out with Class I poison he can advance it one Class at a time. If the mutant chose Class IX (Sleep), he cannot increase the class of the poison but can advance the effects by an additional 1d4 rounds each time he selects it. If the mutant chooses Class X poison (Paralysis), he can advance it to Class XI but not beyond. If the poison is advanced beyond Class XI, the duration of the paralysis effects increase an additional 1d6 rounds. Other or Player Choice: If the player rolls either Other or Player Choice under a specific category, then he may either come up with a new or modified mutation similar to other mutations in the category the result was rolled. The Mutant Lord must approve any new or modified mutations prior to the character coming into play. If the player rolls Player Choice as a broad category then he may choose any mutation under that list.

hdr bulletPhysical Mutations

Android Mutant Category
01 -- 16 01 -- 12 Additional Body Parts
  13 -- 23 Decreased Sense
  24 -- 34 Defective Biology
17 -- 32 35 -- 46 Enhanced Biology
33 -- 47 47 -- 58 Enlarged Body Parts
48 -- 63 59 -- 70 Increased Sense
64 -- 79 71 -- 82 Physical Size Enhancements
80 -- 95 83 -- 95 Xenomorphism
96 -- 99 96 -- 99 Player Choice
00 00 Roll two more times (reroll this result after first occurance)

Additional Body Parts

Range: Body
Duration: Constant
Number: Self
Use: Constant
Damage: None
Advancement: Once per 4 levels

Additional body parts may involve limbs, heads, internal organs, or additional senses.

Additional Body Parts
Roll Mutation
01 -- 05 Additional Brains (Defect)
06 -- 25 Additional Arms
26 -- 35 Additional Brains
36 -- 55 Additional Heads
56 -- 65 Additional Internal Organs
66 -- 85 Additional Legs
86 -- 95 Additional Senses
96 -- 00 Other or Player Choice

Additional Arms

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has a second set of limbs ending in hands. The mutant may use the second set of arms to attack with a second weapon or defend with a shield. If the weapon is a one handed weapon, the second attack suffers a -2 penalty, if the weapon is a two handed weapon it suffers a -4 penalty. Extra attacks are only allowed if the mutant doesn't move more than 5 ft. or so in the round. If the mutant has a second brain (non-defective) then no penalties are incurred with the second attack and normal movement is allowed. Only one shield may be used effectively by the mutant regardless of the number of arms he possesses.

Advancement: +1 to hit with the secondary set of arms.

Additional Brain (Defect)

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has a second brain that is not fully developed or has developed a psychotic nature. The secondary brain has an additional 1d4 mental mutations, its own intelligence and willpower scores (rolled normally). The additional mental mutations are not available to the mutant unless the second brain takes control and a check should be made daily (contested mental attack with the second brain being the aggressor) to determine which brain is in control of the mutant's body. The mutant may attempt to suppress the second brain for a number of days equal to his level by making a successful mental attack. If the mutant has a second head, the second brain will be located within the second head, otherwise the brain will be located in the mutant's chest or back.

Additional Brain

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has a second brain and the two work in concert with each other. The second brain has an intelligence and willpower equal to the mutant's normal ability scores and an additional 1d2 mental mutations (neither may be a defect). If the mutant suffers a mental attack, it must be made against both brains for the attack to be effective against the mutant. The mutant also gains a 10% bonus on all technology rolls. If the mutant has a second head, the brain will be located there, otherwise the brain may be located in the mutant's chest or back. If the mutant has multiple or extra appendages, his second brain may be used to coordinate secondary attacks so that any normal penalties or a secondary attack are negated and secondary attacks may even be made if the mutant moved during the combat round.

Advancement: +10% to technology rolls or one of the second brain's mental powers may be advanced.

Additional Head

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has another head and can be surprised only on a roll of 1 on a d6. If the mutant gains a natural or mutant attack emanating from his head, he must choose which head has which mutation.

Advancement: If the mutant has a mutation on one head, he may advance the other head to gain the same mutation.

Additional Internal Organs

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has an additional set of lungs or a second heart or other extra internal organ. This results in the mutant gaining a +2 to saving throws versus Poison and Radiation and if reduced to zero hit points a saving throw vs. death is allowed to avoid being reduced to zero. In such a case the mutant is reduced to 1 hit point. If a second attack that same round would reduce the mutant to zero or less he will still die with no additional saving throw allowed.

Advancement: An additional +1 to saving throws vs. Poison or Radiation.

Additional Legs

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant gains another set of legs granting him a movement bonus of +10 ft. per round or 150 ft. per turn. In addition, any attempts to trip or knock the mutant over suffer a -2 penalty.

Advancement: +10 ft. per round (+30 ft. per turn).

Additional Senses

Type: Additional Body Parts
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant gains additional sensory organs such as more eyes, ears, etc... As a result he can only be surprised on a roll of 1 on a d6. An additional benefit is that the mutant gains the benefit of a complimentary increased sense for the type chosen. For vision, this would be limited to Night vision.

Advancement: As the increased sense of the type chosen.

Decreased Sense

Range: Body
Duration: Constant
Number: Self
Use: Constant
Damage: None
Advancement: None

Decreased Senses are all defects. One of the mutants senses is diminished or completely inert as defined below.

Decreased Sense
Roll Mutation
01 -- 20 Decreased Hearing
21 -- 40 Decreased Nerve Endings
41 -- 60 Decreased Olfactory Senses
61 -- 80 Decreased Taste Sensations
81 -- 00 Decreased Vision

Decreased Hearing

Type: Decreased Sense
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant is deaf or nearly deaf. As a result the mutant can be surprised on a roll of 1 through 3 on a d6 unless other senses exist to counter the effects. A mutant with this defect cannot obtain the Echolocation mutation.

Decreased Nerve Endings

Type: Decreased Sense
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant cannot feel or interpret physical tactile sensations for both pain and pleasure. As a result the mutant cannot tell if he has been hurt or how bad he has been hurt without taking time to look over his body or is tended by another person. As a result, the Mutant Lord is responsible for tracking the mutant's hit points until the mutant has time to assess the damage (at least a full round action). A side benefit of this mutation is that the character may not be hampered by effects (such as poison) that normally impairs the nerves causing paralysis or similar effects.

Decreased Olfactory Senses

Type: Decreased Sense
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant cannot smell odors or scents. As a result, any non-damaging effect that is caused by scent or odor has no effect on the mutant. Although this may be seen as a benefit, the character has a harder time detecting and avoiding poisons and other natural hazards that may be sensed by smell, suffering a -2 penalty to any saving throw against such conditions.

Decreased Taste Sensations

Type: Decreased Sense
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant cannot appreciably taste anything. As a result, any ingested poisons or toxins gain a -2 penalty all saving throws versus poison.

Decreased Vision

Type: Decreased Sense
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has a 50% chance of being blind or just suffering an impairment. If the mutant is blind, he suffers a -4 against all melee attacks and ranged attacks are impossible unless the character has another means of pinpointing targets (such as echolocation). If the mutant’s vision is impaired, it suffers a -2 to melee attacks and ranged attacks up to 30 ft while ranged attacks beyond are impossible.

Defective Biology

Range: Body
Duration: Constant
Number: Self
Use: Constant
Damage: None
Advancement: None

Mutations that result in an adverse deformity or bodily defect fall under this category.

Defective Biology
Roll Mutation
01 -- 05 Albinism
06 -- 10 Alopecia Universalis
11 -- 15 Atrophied Cerebellum
16 -- 19 Backwards Limbs
20 -- 24 Cold Blooded
25 -- 29 Continuous Infections
30 -- 34 Defective Immune System
35 -- 38 Epidermal Susceptibility
39 -- 43 Excessive Hair/Fur
44 -- 48 Fraility
49 -- 53 Hemophilia
54 -- 57 Hirudinean Feeder
58 -- 62 Increased Caloric Needs
63 -- 67 Predator Attraction Scent
68 -- 72 Premature Aging
73 -- 76 Reduced Oxygen Efficiency
77 -- 81 Slow Metabolism
82 -- 86 Tumor Gestational Growth
87 -- 91 Twisted Body
92 -- 95 Unnatural Skin Color
96 -- 00 Vestigial Wings


Type: Defective Biology

The mutant is completely void of color in his skin and hair and his eyes have light grey or pink irises. As a result he is very susceptible to ultraviolet light (such as sunlight) and suffers 1d4 points of damage per hour left in direct sunlight or other powerful ultraviolet light source without any protective covering. If the mutant is completely covered he will not suffer damage, but he will suffer a -2 penalty to any actions (including combat) while in such an environment.

Alopecia Universalis

Type: Defective Biology

This mutation causes the mutant to lose all bodily hair or fur, completely exposing his entire epidermal surfaces. The mutant suffers a -2 penalty to all saving throws versus cold based and radiation effects. In addition, if the mutant has an Epidermal Susceptibility mutation, the effects of the susceptibility is doubled.

Atrophied Cerebellum

Type: Defective Biology

This mutant's brain has sections where it is biologically dead. As a result he suffers a permanent one time loss of 2 points to his Intelligence and Dexterity due to loss of mental capacity and coordination. However, this defect does have an unusal effect on any mental power used to try and control the mutant. Any such attacks suffer a -2 penalty to the mental attack roll as the mutant's mental physiology is unique and requires more effort to work through areas of absence.

Backwards Limbs

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant’s arms or legs (50% of either) are attached in a reversed orientation. As a result, all Dexterity checks suffer a +2 penalty to the ability check roll. In addition, if the arms are reversed, the mutant cannot wield two handed weapons and all attacks suffer a -2 penalty. If the legs are backwards, the mutant's speed is reduced by ¼ his normal movement rate.

Cold Blooded

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant's blood flow is regulated by external means (such as basking in the heat) rather than internally. As a result, as the temperature drops so does the mutant's metabolism. As a result, the mutant's relative movement rate and actions are based on the environment. If the temperature is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the mutant may move at 120% his normal movement rate. If the temperature drops below 60 degrees his movement drops to ¾ his normal movement rate and for each 10 degrees dropped below that the movement rate is reduced by another quarter. The mutant becomes unconscious if the temperature drops below freezing. The mutant also suffers a -2 penalty against all cold based attacks.

Continuous Infections

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant is very susceptible to infections and diseases and he continuously suffers from some sort of infection that reduces his Constitution by 1d4 points (this loss does not reduce his total hit points) and he suffers 1d4 points of damage per day. The mutant also suffers a -2 penalty against poisons and any other diseases he may come into contact.

Others that come into close proximity with the mutant must make a successful saving throw versus poison or come down with a virulent infection with an infection duration of 1d4 weeks, reduces their Constitution by 2, and they suffer 1d4 points of damage per day.

Defective Immune System

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant’s immune system cannot produce effective anti-bodies to fight off infections, viruses, or diseases. As a result, any saving throw against such effects suffer a -4 penalty and if the mutant becomes infected or diseased the amount of damage caused by the disease is doubled daily and the duration is at least doubled before he can attempt to overcome it with another saving throw.

Epidermal Susceptibility

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant's skin gains a defective condition, roll 1d6 (1-2 = membranous, 3-4 = Dry, 5-6 = hard and scaly). Membranous skin is very soft and soluble and the mutant suffers damage if immersed in water. For each round spent in water or other fluid the mutant suffers 1d6 points of damage. Dry and brittle skin causes the mutant to be more susceptible to skin tears and wounds. Mutants with dry skin suffers and extra point of damage per die against all physical and energy attacks. Hard and scaly skin gives the mutant a reptilian like appearance and movement of the skin is painful to the mutant. The hard skin causes the mutant to suffer a -1 penalty when making physical attacks and his movement is reduced to ¾ his normal rate due to the incessant pain. If the mutant has the decreased nerve endings mutation, he may ignore these penalties.

Excessive Hair/Fur

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant's body is completely covered in a thick matting of hair or fur. The fur does grant the mutant a +1 bonus for any saving throws against cold attacks and can survive in cooler and cold environments with no other protective gear. In warm or hot environments the mutant suffers a -1 to his attack rolls and saving throws.


Type: Defective Biology

This mutation results in either hollow or brittle bones. As a result, any blunt force trauma or physical attacks that successfully strike the mutant cause an additional 3 points of damage per die.


Type: Defective Biology

The mutant suffers from a defective blood circulation system. As a result he only heals at half his normal healing rate. In addition, any attack or damage that causes bleeding results in the mutant to continue to bleed out for an additional 2 points per round until the wound can be bound. The mutant is also more susceptible to diseases and any saving throws suffer a -2 penalty.

Hirudinean Feeder

Type: Defective Biology

This mutation manifests itself through a leech like proboscis that replaces the mutant's normal mouth or muzzle. The mutant can only feed off of the blood of other living creatures. If the mutant is wounded, it may only regain hit points by feeding off another creature, gaining 1 hit point per hit point drained from his living victim.

Increased Caloric Needs

Type: Defective Biology

This mutation requires the mutant to consume twice as much nutrients as a normal member of his species on a daily basis. If the mutant cannot do so he will begin to starve, losing 1 point of Strength and Constitution per day until he can consume the required amounts of food, at which point he begins to recuperate and regain his Strength and Constitution at the same rate until they are fully restored. If the mutant is reduced to zero for either ability score he will perish immediately. In addition, if the mutant becomes involved in vigorous activity—such as combat—he must consume food once every minute or immediately lose 1 point of Strength and Constitution with the same results as given above.

Predator Attraction Scent

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant’s body continuously produces a strong musky odor that attracts predators that rely on scent to find and track prey. As a result, the Mutant Lord may check for random encounters in wilderness and possibly ruined areas twice as often if such predators may be found. If an actual predator with animal intelligence or less is encountered, the mutant will be the primary target for the creature.

Premature Aging

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant’s body ages at an accelerated rate and he appears and physically is much older than his actual age. Roll 1d4, multiply and add to the mutant’s current age (the mutant’s starting age will fall between 18 and 20). This is the apparent age of the mutant and for each ten years his Constitution is reduced one point (with resulting loss in overall hit points). In addition, the mutant ages twice as fast as other mutants.

Reduced Oxygen Efficiency

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant’s body cannot adequately take in sufficient oxygen for prolonged strenuous activities. As a result, if the mutant engages in combat or other stressful physical activities for more rounds than one third of his Constitution score he must make a saving throw versus Death each round or fall unconscious for 3d6 rounds unless he completely stops what he is doing and spends a turn resting. During normal physical activities the mutant must rest for ten minutes after thirty minutes (3 turns) of moderate activity.

Slow Metabolism

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant's metabolic rate is much slower than normal. As a result he finds it difficult to continuously perform and his movement rate is effectively halved due to fatigue. In addition, it takes the mutant twice as long to accomplish mental tasks which results in only being to attack once every other round.

Tumor Gestational Growth

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant's body frequently produces large tumorous growths in random areas of his body. As a result, his Charisma is permanently reduced by 3 points and he finds social engagements difficult as others view him as cursed or diseased. In addition, there is a 1 in 6 chance that one of the tumors grows to an immense size which reduces the mutant's movement rate by 10 ft. and may result in possible other side effects (defect) such as growing over the mutant's eyes or mouth or in an area making it impossible to effectively wield a weapon in his arm, etc. These tumors tend to fall off after 1d4 months and another set begin to grow thereafter.

Twisted Body

Type: Defective Biology

This mutation results in the mutant's body being physically twisted and rigid and nearly paralytic in nature. As a result, the mutant can only move ¼ his normal movement rate, his Dexterity score suffers a -3 penalty and all physical ability checks suffer a +4 penalty to the roll. In addition, the mutant's shape has a 50% chance of being so deformed that any armor or clothing must be tailor made for the mutant, doubling their cost for the mutant.

Unnatural Skin Color

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant's skin is a strange color or mottled collage of colors that is very apparent in social engagements. As a result, the mutant suffers a +2 penalty to non-combat reaction rolls. The mutant also has a difficult time in situations where stealth is required and any ability check to try to hide suffers a +1 penalty to the roll.

Vestigial Wings

Type: Defective Biology

The mutant has a set of wings that grows from his back that are completely useless. The wings may be of any shape and material desired (feathers, skin membrane, etc.) but they cannot be used for flying or gliding. The mutant suffers a +1 penalty to his armor class due to the obvious target that the wings present and he cannot independently move them. In addition, any armor or clothing worn must be modified for the presence of the wings.

Enhanced Biology

Range: Body
Duration: By mutation
Number: Self
Use: By mutation
Damage: By mutation
Advancement: Once per 2 levels

The mutant gains a mutation that enhances or alters his normal bodily functions to provide an unnatural effect. See individual descriptions below for mutation effect.

Enhanced Biology
Roll Mutation
01 -- 06 Bio-Energy Feedback
07 -- 12 Dual Form
13 -- 18 Energy Absorption
19 -- 25 Energy Dispersion
26 -- 31 Hyperactive Immune System
32 -- 37 Hyperadrenal Gland
38 -- 43 Increased Balance
44 -- 50 Increased Metabolism
51 -- 56 Increased Physical Attribute
57 -- 62 Neural Symbiotic Control
63 -- 68 Optic Emissions
69 -- 75 Physical Alteration
76 -- 81 Reflective Skin
82 -- 88 Regeneration
89 -- 94 Sonic Emission
95 -- 00 Player Choice

Bio-Energy Feedback

Type: Enhanced Biology and Physiomatic
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: See below

The mutant's internal biometric energy field is capable of producing a hazardous feedback against mutations that would normally drain the mutant of hit points (such as Killing Field or Vampiric Field). If the mutant is successfully attacked with one of these mutations, the originator of the power actually takes the effect that would normally affect the mutant with this mutation.

Advancement: None.

Dual Form

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: See below
Duration: See below
Damage: None

This mutation may either be voluntary or involuntary (50% of either). When this mutation is selected or randomly rolled, the mutant rolls up another character of the same type (humanoid, animal, plant, etc). If voluntary, the mutant may switch between the two forms once per day remaining in the other form indefinitely. It takes a combat round to change from one form to another, during this time the mutant cannot attack or move more than 5 ft. or so.

If the change is involuntary then there must be a viable trigger (such as anger, fear, etc.) that causes the mutant to change form. If involuntary, the mutant must make a saving throw versus Stun to stay in control, otherwise the Mutant Lord will control the altered form until it changes back. The involuntarily changed form will be maintained for the duration of the incident that triggered the event and an additional 2d4 rounds beyond.

Both forms have their own hit points and damage is not shared between forms and healing must be tracked separately. The alternate form heals at half the mutant's normal rate unless the mutant spends more than 50% of his time in the alternate form (in which case the primary form heals at half his normal rate).

Advancement: If voluntary, the mutant may change forms one additional time per day. If the mutant changes involuntarily, he may gain a +1 bonus to this saving throw to retain control.

Energy Absorption

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to absorb a specific type of energy (cold, heat, light, electricity, radiation, or sonic) which heals him rather than damaging him. If a saving throw is allowed then the mutant will only be healed based on the result of the saving throw (typically the mutant would only suffer half damage) and other effects for failed saving throws may apply (such as radiation effects for gaining mutations). The mutant cannot be healed beyond his normal maximum hit points.

Advancement: The mutant may gain the Energy Dispersion mutation as an advancement, with a range of touch and the type of energy is the same as the energy he can absorb (this advancement is not available for those that choose the sonic absorption, instead Sonic Emission may be taken instead).

Energy Dispersion

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Once per minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Damage: See below

The mutant can expel energy from his body (typically through a limb such a a hand). The type of energy dispersed (heat, cold, light, electricity, or radiation) is chosen by the mutant during the creation process. The effective range is determined randomly by rolling 1d12: 1-3 = touch, 4 – 6 = 10 ft., 7 – 9 = 30 ft., 10 – 11 = 50 ft., 12 = 80 ft. Heat, cold, and electrical attacks allow the target to make a saving throw for half damage, while the radiation effect requires a radiation check and starts out as class I radiation, and all attacks have a base damage of 1d6 points. If this mutation is rolled or chosen more than once during the creation process the mutant may choose another energy type, add +1d6 to the existing effect, or increase the range by one step (maximum of 80 ft.).

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range or add +1d6 points of damage to the caused by the energy dispersion or reduce the wait time by two rounds per use.

Hyperactive Immune System

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

This mutation has an initial benefit of granting the mutant a +2 against Poison (and Disease) and Radiation effects. Even if the mutant fails a saving throw that would result in death, he instead is dropped to 1 hit point and knocked unconscious for 1d4 hours. After that he may recover hit points normally. In addition, the character contracts a disease, the infection duration is reduced by half and damage per day is automatically the minimum allowed.

Advancement: Add +1 to saving throws against Poison and Radiation and reduce disease duration by another day.

Hyperadrenal Gland

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Once per combat situation
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Damage: None

The mutant's hyperadrenal gland automatically kicks in if he takes damage during combat, causing him to temporarily gain 3 points to his Strength for 1d4 rounds before his system regulates itself. After the effect wears off, the mutant suffers a -1 to any attack for an another 1d4 rounds due to the shakiness or weakness caused by the adrenal spike.

Advancement: Add 1d4 additional rounds to the duration or add 1 additional point of Strength when triggered.

Increased Balance

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has an increased sense of equilibrium. As a result, any Dexterity checks involving climbing, jumping, or other dextrous movements gain a +2 to his Dexterity for successfully overcoming the ability check. In addition, the character always lands on his feet and any damage from falls is reduced by one die.

Advancement: Add +2 to the mutant's Dexterity bonus for Dexterity ability checks and damage from falls is reduced by another one die.

Increased Metabolism

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to move twice as fast as normal. In addition, he may make an extra physical attack each round with a -2 penalty after the first attack.

Advancement: Increment the speed factor by one, so advancing it once would increase the mutants base speed by x3. Or the mutant may gain an extra attack suffering a -2 per extra attack beyond the first. Thus, a mutant that advances this skill to four attacks suffers a -2 for the second attack, -4 for the third attack, and -6 for the fourth attack.

Increased Physical Attribute

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

One of the mutant's physical attributes is far beyond a normal member of his species. Roll 1d6 (1-2 = Strength, 3-4 = Dexterity, 5-6 = Constitution). The mutant adds +3 to the ability score determined and immediately applies the effects there of (such as additional hit points if the ability score granted is Constitution).

Advancement: The mutant may add +2 to the ability score affected by this mutation.

Neural Symbiotic Control

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: One creature per attachment
Duration: See below
Damage: None

This mutation allows a mutant to attempt to latch onto another creature and control its actions as a puppet. The mutant must have a designated appendage or appendages that allows him to make this connection and then he must be able to successfully latch onto another biological entity in attempt to use this power. The mutant must make a successful physical attack against his opponent and then this is followed up by a successful mental attack to overcome the victim's will and suppress the victim's consciousness. Each action requires a combat round and the victim may attempt to break away from the mutant by successfully counter attacking the mutant before the mutant can make the mental attack.

Once the mutant gains control of the other creature, he treats it as a puppet and has full control over the other creature's physical mutations and powers. Mental mutations are suppressed along with the will and are not available to the controlling mutant. The victim is allowed to attempt to mentally break free from the mutant's control after a number of rounds equal to the controlling mutant's Willpower minus the controlled creature's Will power (minimum of once per round) by making a successful mental attack.

The contact between the mutant and the controlled creature does allow for some bio-feedback. If the victim suffers damage while in the control of the mutant, the mutant suffers half the damage and if the victim is slain while under the mutant's control, the mutant is stunned for 2d4 rounds.

Advancement: None;

Optic Emissions

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Once every 10 seconds
Duration: Instantaneous
Damage: See below

The mutant is able to project energy from his eyes in some fashion. Roll a 1d6 (1-2 = Light Flash, 3-5 = Energy Emission, 6 = Radiation). The range for all of these effects is 60 ft. The light flash effect requires everyone within range and the general direction the mutant is looking to make a saving throw versus Energy Attacks or become blinded for 2d4 rounds. Anyone blinded by the effect suffers a -4 penalty to all melee attacks and ranged attacks are impossible unless another means of detecting enemies is possible (such as echolocation). Energy emission can be light, heat, cold, or electricity and is a beam attack requiring anyone within a five foot wide path in the direction the beam was fired to make a saving throw versus Energy Attacks or suffer 1d6 points of damage. Radiation emission targets everyone within a wide path equal to the distance from the mutant up to 60 ft. distant. Those within that area are hit with a blast of Class I radiation and must make a saving throw versus Radiation.

Advancement: For the light flash effect, the mutant may increase the duration of blindness for an additional 1d4 rounds. Energy emission attacks may have their damage increased by 1d6 points. Radiation emission attacks may have the Class level of the radiation increased by one each time this mutation is advanced.

Physical Alteration

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: 2 rounds to convert between forms
Duration: As desired by mutant
Damage: See below

The Mutant can alter his physical shape and size to that of another creature type (chosen when this mutation is gained). The mutation will not allow the mutant to alter his appearance to match that of another, but the altered form will be unique and will appear the same way every time he changes. The mutant does not gain any special abilities or mutations of the creature chosen, but will gain any natural attacks, natural armor class, and natural means of movement (such as wings). The mutant's own ability scores or hit points will not change from this mutation. While converting from one form to another, the mutant can only move at half his normal (non altered) movement rate and cannot attack or otherwise perform any other actions. This mutation does not grant the mutant any social or mental changes from the process, so if the chosen type has its own language or means of communication, the mutant does not automatically gain the ability to communicate with others of that type.

Advancement: The mutant may choose another creature type that he may be able to transform into.

Reflective Skin

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's skin is impervious against one type of energy. Roll 1d12 (1-2 = Electricity & Energy Force, 3-4 = Heat & Flame, 5-6 = Cold, 7-8 = Light, 9-10 = Sonic, 11 = Radiation, 12 = Kinetic) to determine the type of energy reflected. This effect only works against directed attacks, general environmental or massive attacks will still impact the mutant normally. The energies listed are self-explanatory except for Kinetic. Kinetic attacks include any attack with a physical aspect (most melee weapons, ranged non-energy weapons, etc.).

Advancement: The mutant may advance this mutation so that any successful attacks of the energy type made against the mutant automatically rebound to the attacker and affects him instead.


Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Constant
Duration: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's body has an accelerated rate of healing based on his Constitution score. If the mutant has a Constitution of 9 or less he regains 1 hit point per hour and can regenerate lost limbs or other non-essential body parts in 1d2 weeks. If the mutant has a Constitution of 15 or less he regains 1 hit point per turn (ten minutes) and can regrow body parts within a week. If the mutant has a Constitution score of 18 or less regains 1 hit point per minute and can regrow body parts in 1d4 days. If the mutant has a Constitution score greater than 18 he regains 1 hit point per round (10 seconds) and can regrow a body part within 1 day. This healing factor is in addition to any normal healing that the mutant gains from rest and recuperation.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the rate of healing by 1 hit point. Thus, if a mutant with a Constitution score of 8 that takes this advancement once can regain 2 hit points per hour.

Sonic Emission

Type: Enhanced Biology
Use: Once per minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Damage: 1d6

The mutant can let loose an ultrasonic scream that causes damage and deafens everyone within 30' of the mutant unless a saving throw versus Stun is made. Successfully making the saving throw reduces the damage by half and negates the deafness effect. The deafness lasts for 1d6 +4 rounds and verbal communication is impossible for deafened victims and and they can be surprised on a 1-3 on a d6. Mutants or creatures with echolocation or enhanced hearing powers suffer a -2 to the saving throw while those with a hearing deficiency gain a +2 bonus to their saving throw.

Advancement: The mutant can increase the damage caused by the blast by 1d6 points.

Enlarged Body Parts

Range: Body
Duration: Constant
Number: Self
Use: Constant
Damage: None
Advancement: Once per 4 levels

Some feature of the Mutant’s anatomy is enlarged or increased well beyond normal proportions. This generally leads to some form of bonus.

Enlarged Body Parts
Roll Mutation
01 -- 10 Disproportioned Limbs (Defect)
11 -- 20 Enlarged Gut (Defect)
21 -- 30 Elongated Neck
31 -- 43 Enlarged Arms
44 -- 56 Enlarged Chest
57 -- 69 Enlarged Head
70 -- 82 Enlarged Legs
83 -- 95 Strengthed Skeletal System
96 -- 00 Other or Player Choice

Disproportioned Limbs

Type: Enlarged Body Parts or Physical Size Enhancements

This mutation defines a condition in which the mutant’s legs are shorter than normal while his arms are longer or one leg is a different size than the other. AS a result, the mutant's movement rate is reduced to 2/3 normal unless all limbs are used for movement, in which case items cannot normally be carried while generally moving at the mutant’s normal movement rate.

Elongated Neck

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

The mutant's neck is stretched out similar to that of a giraffe. As a result he gains a better view of his immediate surroundings and can only be surprised on a 1 in 1d6 as long as he isn't blind due to a physical condition or environmental conditions.

Advancement: None.

Enlarged Arms

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

The mutant's arms are grossly over muscled, granting him a +2 to his Strength score.

Advancement: Add +1 to mutant's Strength score.

Enlarged Chest

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

The mutant's chest cavity is at least twice the size of a normal member of his species. As a result, his internal organs are also enlarged (heart, lungs, etc.) gaining him a +2 bonus to his Constitution score.

Advancement: Add +1 to the mutant's Constitution score.

Enlarged Gut

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

This mutation defines the mutant as obese and his movement rate is reduced by 10 ft. due to the additional weight carried.

Enlarged Head

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

The mutant's head is at least twice as large as normal. If the head is the mutant's only or primary head, he gains a +1 to his Intelligence score due to the increased brain mass.

Advancement: The mutant may choose to either increase his intelligence by +1 or his Willpower by +1.

Enlarged Legs

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

The mutant's legs are overly tensile and this mutation grants +10 ft. to the mutant's movement rate.

Advancement: Add +10 ft. to the mutant's land speed.

Strengthened Skeletal System

Type: Enlarged Body Parts

The mutant's skeletal system is at least twice as dense as normal for his species. As a result, the mutant disregards first 1d6 points of damage from physical attacks. If the mutant has an exoskeleton (as a result of the natural armor mutation with an AC bonus of -4 or greater) this mutation increases the armor class bonus by an additional point.

Advancement: None.

Increased Sense

Range: Body
Duration: Constant
Number: Self
Use: Constant
Damage: None
Advancement: Once per 3 levels

These mutations grants the mutant an enhanced or increased sensory organ.

Increased Sense
Roll Mutation
01 -- 07 Pain Sensitivity (Defect)
08 -- 15 Echolocation
16 -- 22 Increased Hearing
23 -- 30 Increased Olfactory Senses
31 -- 37 Increased Tactile Sensations
38 -- 44 Increased Taste Functionality
45 -- 54 Macroscopic Vision
55 -- 61 Microscopic Vision
62 -- 70 Night Vision
71 -- 78 Thermal Vision
79 -- 86 Ultra-Violet Vision
87 -- 94 X-Ray Vision
95 -- 00 Other or Player Choice


Type: Increased Sense and Xenomorphism

The mutant has the ability effectively navigate about his surroundings using sonar (similar to that of a bat). The mutant must emit some sort of noise which reverberates off of any nearby surface back to the mutant. This ability does not replace sight and cannot be used to gain any more than simple details of the surroundings other than rough shape and distance and it cannot be used to see through objects (even transparent ones such as windows). The mutant can use this ability up to 90 ft away (or 180 ft with the increased hearing mutation). This mutation does grant the mutant a greater sense during melee combat giving him a +1 to hit opponents and a -1 (bonus) to AC against melee attacks.

Advancement: Increase range by 10 ft. each time mutation is advanced.

Increased Hearing

Type: Increased Sense

He mutant's hearing is very acute, allowing him to hear above and below the normal spectrum for a member of his species as well as from great distances away. As a result, the mutant cannot be surprised by any creature that moves by walking or that breathes unless protected by some sort of noise cancellation device or mutation.

Advancement: None.

Increased Olfactory Senses

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant's ability to distinguish odors no matter how faint allow him to track living creatures or other unique chemicals or gasses by scent. The mutant may make an Intelligence check to pick up a scent if given an example and the creature or object passed near the mutant's position. The Mutant Lord may grant bonuses or penalties as desired based on the age of the scent, number or size of the creature or thing being tracked, etc. The mutant cannot be surprised by a living creature unless protected by some sort of odor cancellation device or power.

Advancement: The mutant gains a +1 to their Intelligence score when attempting to use this mutation to track.

Increased Tactile Sensations

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant's sense of touch is so acute that he can feel minute cracks in solid objects and identify objects by touch alone. This mutation grants the mutant a +3 bonus on any ability checks used to identify weaknesses in an object. If the mutant touches an opponent (particularly any worn armor) before attacking, he gains a +2 bonus to the attack thereafter and damage is doubled. The mutant also gains a +5% bonus when trying to identify how ancient tech works.

Advancement: The mutant gains an additional bonus point for identifying weaknesses and to his attacks against an opponent when touched and an additional 5% for identifying technological objects.

Increased Taste Functionality

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant's taste senses are advanced that he can easily distinguish individual ingredients of anything tasted. As a result the mutant can detect ingested poisons by making a successful Intelligence check with a +3 bonus to his ability score.

Advancement: The mutant's ability score bonus increases by one point.

Macroscopic Vision

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant can see far distant objects just as clearly as if the were next to him. He can easily make out details up to twice the distance as a normal member of his species.

Advancement: The mutant's range of clarity is doubled.

Microscopic Vision

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant can focus on objects that are next to him and he can distinguish nearly microscopic details that no one else would notice. As a result, the mutant gains a +1 on any ability checks to identify a structural weakness and can use this ability in melee combat to find a weakness in his opponent and may consider the opponent's AC 2 points higher than the actual value (maximum of AC 9).

Advancement: The mutant gains an additional +1 bonus to identify structural weaknesses.

Night Vision

Type: Increased Sense

This mutation allows the mutant to see in the natural dark as if it was twilight with an effective range of 60 ft. though the vision is in black and white. If there is no ambient light at all (such as that found underground or in enclosed structures with no openings or light sources) the character is just as effectively blind as someone without night vision.

Advancement: None.

Pain Sensitivity

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant's nervous system is very sensitive to injury. As a result, the mutant suffers double normal damage from physical and energy attacks (but not mental attacks).

Thermal Vision

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant's vision is altered in that instead of seeing normal colors he sees heat signatures as colors, even when in the dark. There is a 50% chance that the mutant only has thermal vision (along with any other mutations that grant enhanced vision) which means he is effectively color blind otherwise. If the mutant has normal vision and thermal vision, he must take a round to switch between the two types of vision. Thermal vision works well in darkness as long as the ambient temperature is above 40 degrees fahrenheit or there are other creatures or objects that have an effective heat signature. If the mutant enters an area below 40 degrees and no other heat sources are nearby he is effectively blind as anyone else if the area is dark.

Advancement: None.

Ultra-Violet Vision

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant's vision altered so that he can view the higher end of the color spectrum including light given off by radiation such as gamma rays and x-rays. The mutant is able to 'see' radioactive areas and while outside or in an area where radioactive elements are nearby can see clearly in the normal darkness up to 300 ft. distant. Bursts of intense radiation (Class 9 or 10) can temporarily blind the mutant unless a saving throw versus Stun is successfully rolled.

There is a 50% chance that the mutant only has ultra-violet vision in which case he is effectively color blind for lower spectrum colors (reds and greens) which appear a gray tones. If the mutant can see both in the normal color spectrum and the ultra-violet range, he must spend a round switching between the two. During this time he is effectively blind.

Advancement: None.

X-Ray Vision

Type: Increased Sense

The mutant has the ability to project low level radiation from his eyes up to 10 ft. distant which then allows him to see “through” solid objects. The thinner or more porous the object the easier it is to see through it while particularly dense objects (such as several inches of metal or rock or a thin layer of lead) will block this ability. The mutant does have the ability to turn this function on or off at will, though prolonged use (ten or more continuous minutes) of this mutation will cause radiation burns to the mutant and the object or person being viewed within range (as Class I radiation).

Advancement: None.

Physical Size Enhancements

Range: Body
Duration: Constant
Number: Self
Use: Constant
Damage: None
Advancement: None

These mutations alter the mutants size either as a whole or specific body parts.

Physical Size Enhancements
Roll Mutation
01 -- 15 Disproportioned Limbs (Defect)
16 -- 30 Pinhead (Defect)
31 -- 53 Density Control (Self)
54 -- 77 Dwarfism
78 -- 00 Gigantism

Density Control (Self)

Type: Physical Size Enhancements

The mutant can control the overall density of his own body. He can expand his size by making it less dense, granting him a bonus to his movement while his overall armor class is diminished. He can also compact his size making it more dense, granting him a bonus to his armor class while his movement is reduced. The mutant can increase/decrease his density by 20% each round up to 100% in either direction. Each 20% change impacts his movement by 5 ft and his Armor Class by one point. Thus, a mutant that increases his size by 100% would gain an extra movement rate of 25 ft. while his armor class suffers a +5 penalty. The result for reducing his size by 100% would reduce his speed by 25 ft. while gaining a -5 bonus to his Armor Class. Regardless of the mutant's density, his overall mass does not change and normal clothing and equipment do not change with him which can lead to embarrassing or inappropriate situations. When increasing the mutant's size, if the mutant is wearing armor or clothing that restricts his growth, he cannot be increased in size beyond 20%.


Type: Physical Size Enhancements

The mutant is much smaller than normal for his species. Roll a 1d8 and multiply by ten, this is the percentage of the size of a normal member of his species. For medium sized creatures this results in a loss in damage caused by the mutant, but other medium sized or larger creatures have a harder time to hit him as well. For each 20% smaller than normal, mutant causes one point less damage with any primitive weapon he wields, he gains a -1 bonus to his AC when facing medium or larger sized creatures, and his movement rate is reduced by 5 feet. Mutants that are 50% or smaller than a normal member of his species cannot wield normal sized weapons, but must have weapons specially made for his use and the damage modifier is applied for both melee and ranged weapons.


Type: Physical Size Enhancements

The mutant's physical size is increased drastically, from 50% to 300% larger than normal. Roll 1d6 and multiply by 50 to get the percentage increase from his normal size. For a medium sized creature this change grants 5 ft. bonus to his movement rate, his armor suffers a +1 penalty (max Armor Class of 9), and the amount of damage caused by physical attacks is increased by +2 per 50% increase. Mutants more than 100% larger also suffer a -1 penalty to hit creatures smaller than medium size for each 50% increment beyond 100%. The cost for armor and clothing is doubled for each 50% increment as well and melee weapons sized for a medium sized creature are difficult to wield by a mutant that is 150% larger or above, suffering an additional -1 per 50% above 100%. Larger sized weapons double their cost and add an extra die of damage for each 100% increment. Thus a Longsword for a Giant that is 200% larger than a normal human would wield a weapon that causes 3d8 points of damage.


Type: Physical Size Enhancements

The mutant's head is smaller than normal, no larger than half the size of a head typical of his species. If the mutant only has one head or this mutation affects his primary head, he loses one point of Intelligence and one mental mutation if applicable.


Range: Body
Duration: See Mutation
Number: Self
Use: See Mutation
Damage: See Mutation
Advancement: Once per 5 levels

The character gains a unique organ/limb with a new function, such as an extra pair of eyes on stalks, a prehensile proboscis, a limb or body part from another species, or a set of tentacles that act as extra arms. See individual descriptions below for mutation effect.

Roll Mutation
01 -- 03 Adhesive Touch
04 -- 06 Air Bladder
07 -- 09 Aquatic Tail
10 -- 12 Bashing Tail
13 -- 15 Beak, Mandible, Bite
16 -- 18 Bone-like Protrusions
19 -- 21 Chameleon Skin
22 -- 25 Claws
26 -- 28 Echolocation
29 -- 31 Elastic Limbs
32 -- 34 Eye Stalks
35 -- 37 Fat Supply
38 -- 40 Gaseous Emission
41 -- 43 Gills
44 -- 46 Imitative Vocal Chords
47 -- 50 Internal Air Supply
51 -- 53 Luminescent Skin
54 -- 56 Natural Armor
57 -- 59 Perpetual Budding
60 -- 62 Pheromone Emitter
63 -- 65 Photosynthetic Skin
66 -- 68 Piercing Tail
69 -- 71 Poison Emission
72 -- 75 Prehensile Feet
76 -- 78 Prehensile Tail
79 -- 81 Protective Sensory Appendages
82 -- 84 Quills
85 -- 87 Segmented Body
88 -- 90 Spinneret
91 -- 93 Tentacles
94 -- 96 Wings
97 -- 00 Other or Player Choice

Adhesive Touch

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's hands and feet excrete a semi adhesive substance that allow him to stick to walls and ceilings. As a result, he can effectively climb smooth walls and ceilings at half his normal movement rate.

Advancement: The mutant may increase his movement rate by 5 additional feet up to a maximum of his full movement rate.

Air Bladder

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: As desired by mutant
Use: As desired by mutant
Damage: None

The mutant has a flabby loose area of skin somewhere on his person (as defined by the mutant upon creation) that he can immediately fill with air allowing him to become buoyant while on water or other viscous fluid. As a result the mutant cannot drown on his own as long as the air bladder is filled.

Advancement: None.

Aquatic Tail

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d6 Secondary attack

Mutant can effectively swim at his normal movement rate. However, there is a 90% chance that the tail replaces any walking appendages unless the mutant gains additional body parts. While in the water, the mutant may use the tail as a secondary attack causing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for small mutants and 1d8 for larger than normal mutants) with a -2 penalty to hit.

Advancement: +1 to hit or increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.) or increasing swimming speed 10 ft. per round.

Bashing Tail

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d6 Secondary natural attack

Mutant gains a secondary natural attack with a thick weighted tail causing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for small mutants and 1d8 for larger mutants) with a -2 to hit during any round the mutant does not move beyond 5 feet or so. The tail may also be used for tripping opponents if desired.

Advancement: +1 to hit or increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.).

Beak, Mandible, or Bite

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d6 Secondary natural Attack

The mutant gains a natural attack with his mouth causing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for small mutants and 1d8 for larger than normal mutants) but with a -2 modifier to hit. If the mutant does not move during the combat round he attacks with another natural attack or melee weapon he may include a secondary attack with the bite.

Advancement: +1 bonus to hit or increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.).

Bone-like Protrusions

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d6 Natural attack

The mutant gains bone-like protrusions that include antlers, tusks, or horns growing from the mutant’s head. These may be used as a natural attack causing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for small mutants and 1d8 for larger than normal mutants). If the mutant successfully charges another using this organ he causes double damage.

Advancement: +1 bonus to hit or increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.).

Chameleon Skin

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: see description
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has the ability to alter his skin pigmentation to change colors on a cellular level. This effect allows the mutant to hide while stationary with a 50% success rate in normal lighting conditions or sparse cover, 75% in shadowy conditions or moderate cover, and 95% in normal darkness or thick cover. If the mutant is wearing armor or clothing, this effect is useless.

Advancement: increase concealment rate by 5% in normal and shadowy conditions and 1% in normal darkness.


Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d6 Natural attack

The mutant gains bone or nail extremities on his hands that allow him to rake others for 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for small mutants and 1d8 for larger than normal mutants). If the mutant does not move during a combat round he may strike out with both claws with a -1 penalty to each to hit. There is a 50% chance that the claws replace fingers or the like and the mutant will have little fine motor control with his hands.

Advancement: +1 bonus to hit or increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.).

Elastic Limbs

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

Mutant can stretch or move his limbs in any direction desired. The effect of this mutation reduces the mutant’s strength score by 3 points but he can squeeze his limbs (not his entire body) into tight or restricted areas up to twice their normal length or step over objects up to half his size with no problem.

Advancement: Increase the length of the mutant's limbs up to 5 ft. each time this advancement is taken.

Eye stalks

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

Mutant gains a wider and directional view and can only be surprised on a 1 in 6. The eye stalks operate independently of each other and if the mutant can project attacks from his eyes they may possibly fire at different targets at the Mutant Lord’s discretion.

Advancement: Mutant gains Increased Sense (vision related) or optic emissions mutation.

Fat Supply

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has the ability to store up to a week's worth of nutrients internally (similar to a camel) allowing the mutant t operate without food or water for a week with no ill effects. The mutant must build up his reservoir beforehand for this mutation to be effective. The actual location of where the nutrients are stored is up to the mutant, such as a hump on his back, in his chest cavity, around his neck, etc.

Advancement: Gain an additional day's worth of nutrients to be stored internally.

Gaseous Emission

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Use: Once per day
Damage: See Description

This mutation grants the mutant the ability to fill an area up to 30 ft in diameter with a cloud of noxious gases with the following effects (1-3 nausea, 4-5 blindness, 6-8 Class I poison, 9-10 Class IX poison, 11 Class X poison, 12 Class I radiation) and dissipates after 2d4 rounds. The nausea and blindness effect may be avoided by making a successful saving throw versus poison. Nausea causes the victim to suffer a -2 penalty to attack and +2 penalty to AC while within the cloud and 1d4 rounds once the victim leaves the cloud. Blindness lasts for 1d4 minutes after the victim leaves the cloud. NPCs and Monsters may have a stronger class of poison or radiation.

Advancement: Increase uses per day by, increase class if poison or radiation, or victims suffer -1 to saving throw.


Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

Mutant can breathe and operate under water. There is a 75% chance that this effect only allows the mutant to breathe in this method (thus suffocating on dry land without means of a water source to breathe).

Advancement: Mutant gains the ability to breathe on both land and in the water (if he could only breathe in water originally) or the mutant gains webbed hands and feet allowing him to swim at his normal movement rate.

Imitative Vocal Chords

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant can mimic the sounds of other creatures or objects with at least a 50% accuracy. If the mutant has time to practice and has an original source he can perfect his ability with a 99% accuracy. Although he can mimic voices, he does not automatically gain the ability to speak other languages or speech patterns or vocabulary.

Advancement: Mutant gains the Shriek mutation.

Internal Air Supply

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: One Hour per use
Use: See below
Damage: None

The mutant can store an hour's worth of usable air internally. This allows the mutant to operate in an airless environment (such as under water) for up to one hour. This mutation does not provide any other protection from airless environments, so a mutant attempting to operate without a space suit in outer-space will still end dying from boiling blood and lack of air pressure. Once the air supply is exhausted, the mutant must have an air supply to replenish his supply, but it only takes a minute to refill the internal supply.

Advancement: Increase duration 30 minutes per advancement.

Luminescent Skin

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: One hour
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant's skin glows softly projecting a soft light up to a 30 ft. radius. The color of the light is chosen by the mutant upon creation and cannot be changed. The light dims over a period of an hour and can only be used once per day initially.

Advancement: Add 10 ft. to the range of the light, increase the duration one hour, or add one additional use per day.

Natural Armor

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's skin is provides a natural defense against physical attacks, granting a bonus to the mutant's Armor Class. Roll a 1d6 and this is the armor bonus the mutant gains from this mutation. If the bonus is 4 or greater, the armored skin is very thick and somewhat cumbersome, reducing movement to ¾ the mutant's normal movement rate. The mutant may decide exactly how his skin is altered to provide the protection.

Advancement: The mutant may add an additional armor class bonus of 1 to the overall natural armor class. If the improvement increases beyond 6, the mutant's movement rate drops to ½ his normal movement rate.

Perpetual Budding

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation causes the mutant to shed small immature copies of himself, producing one budding copy every hour with the ability to produce a number of budding copies per day equal to 1/3 his Constitution score. These miniature copies last for 8 hours before they die off from natural causes. These mini copies are considered 0 level creatures that are approximately half the size of the parent mutant and have the same physical mutations but no mental mutations.

The copies have half the Strength and Constitution scores of the parent as well as the same Dexterity while their Intelligence, Will Power, and Charisma all have a value of 3. Each budded copy has ¼ the amount of hit points of the parent mutant. They are completely nude when spawned and come with no manufactured arms or armor.

The mutant's “children” understand him and follow directions but have little real communicative means on their own though they can make gestures to try and warn the mutant of any pending danger.

Advancement: The mutant can produce an extra budding per day or he can increase their lifespan by 2 additional hours.

Pheromone Emitter

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant has the ability to generate a natural pheromone that causes up to 10 Hit Dice of creatures within 15 feet of the mutant to save versus poison or become entranced with the mutant for 2d4 rounds. Those that succumb to the effect may be treated as friendly towards the mutant and may defend the mutant (though morale checks may be made as normal).

Advancement: Gain an additional use per day or increase range by 10 ft. or add 2 additional Hit Dice worth of creatures affected.

Photosynthetic Skin

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant has the ability to gain nourishment directly from the sun. While in direct sunlight the mutant heals 1 hp per hour and gains a +2 bonus to any environmental saving throws (such as poisons and radiation). However, if the mutant is traveling in an area where there is little or no light (such as torchlight or less) he does not recover hit points naturally and his movement rate is halved due to his body conserving energy. While deprived of light, the mutant suffers a -2 penalty against heat and cold attacks.

Advancement: +1 hp per hour or additional +1 to environmental saving throw while in natural sunlight.

Piercing Tail

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d4 Secondary natural attack

The mutant gains a tail with the ability to stab opponents as a secondary natural attack. The stabbing tail causes 1d4 points of damage (1d2 for small mutants and 1d6 for larger mutants) with a -2 to hit and can only be used on rounds in which the mutant did not move beyond 5 feet or so. If the mutant gains poison emission, he may employ it through the tail as a sting.

Advancement: +1 to hit or increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.) or gaining the poison emission mutation for a stinging attack.

Poison Emission

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: By Poison Type

The Mutant can produce and deliver poison through a natural attack (such as claws, bite, stinging tail, or even skin). The type of poison is determined randomly (1-3 Class I, 4-6 Class IX, 7-8 Class X). NPCs and Monsters would determine their poison effectiveness by rolling percentile and determining the effects on the Poison Class Table. The mutant is immune to his own poison.

Advancement: The class of the poison is increased by one.

Prehensile Feet

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant can use his feet with the same manual dexterity as his hands. If the mutant has more than one set of legs then each set gains this mutation. The mutant's movement rate is reduced by ½ if he is carrying something with one of his feet and if he is holding something with both feet then he cannot effectively move more than 5' a round (unless he has more feet or another means of travel). This mutation does grant the mutant a +2 to his Dexterity score for all climbing, balancing, and swinging checks. The mutant can use his feet to wield or fire weapons granting an extra attack if he doesn't move more than 5' during the same round of combat.

Advancement: +1 bonus to any ability checks involving his feet.

Prehensile Tail

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant can grasp objects with his tail and gains a +2 Dexterity bonus for climbing, balancing, or swinging checks. The character cannot use the tail to wield a weapon or shield. Items handled by the tail must generally be no more than a pound or two in weight.

Advancement: +1 bonus to any ability checks involving tail.

Protective Sensory Apendages

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: See description
Damage: None

The mutant can choose one type of sensory organ and he gains a physical appendage that automatically protects that sensory organ or organs (eyes, nose, ears) against attacks or effects that would damage that organ. This mutation grants a +3 bonus against an effect or attack that would impair or damage the organs chosen. Thus, if a mutant chose eyes, he would have a protective eyelid that would grant that bonus against flashes of bright light, ears he would gain a bonus against any attack that would cause him to go deaf, etc.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the saving throw bonus by +1.


Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: 1d6 when successfully struck by a natural attack

Spiny projections grow from the mutant’s back and shoulders and any successful natural attack against the mutant causes the attacker to suffer 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for small mutants and 1d8 for larger than normal mutants). Because of this growth, the mutant cannot wear normal armor, but it must be specially modified costing a total of 125% of the normal price. The quills do come off and stick to opponents that strike the mutant but they grow back naturally and there is sufficient numbers that he never really goes without any.

Advancement: Increasing damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.) or allowing the mutant to “shoot” 1d4 quills up to 30 ft. away per round with a -4 to hit.

Segmented Body

Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant can slither on the ground at a rate equal to his normal movement rate though there is a 90% chance that he has no limbs (though other mutations may grant him limbs). While slithering, the mutant cannot be tripped and he gains a +2 bonus to climb and swimming checks.

Advancement: Increase the mutant's movement rate by 10 ft. or gain an additional +1 to climb and swimming checks.


Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: see description
Use: see description
Damage: None

The mutant can produce webbing as a spider capable of holding weight equal to his own strength score times ten and he may project it out within 30 ft. and use it for climbing or ensnaring with a +2 bonus to the appropriate ability. The webbing lasts for 1d4 days before it breaks down. The mutant may attempt to target one creature per combat round to shoot a web line, attempting to ensnare it either to himself or something next to the target. Any creature successfully struck is allowed a saving throw versus Stun attacks to avoid being ensnared. If a creature is ensnared it may attempt to break free from the webbing with a successful Strength check.

Advancement: Increase the weight limit by 10%, increase the range by 30 ft., or increase the tensile strength of the webbing so that any ability checks to break free suffers a -2 penalty each time it is taken.


Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant
Use: Once per 10 seconds
Damage: 1d6 Constrict

The mutant gains two tentacles (1-4 replacing arms, 5-6 replacing legs, 7-8 in addition to arms and legs) with which he can grasp and attempt to hold onto objects or creatures. The tentacles grant a +2 bonus when attempting to grapple with an opponent and if successful the mutant may constrict for an additional 1d6 points of damage. Tentacles that replace his normal arms can still grab and wield objects such as weapons but loses any fine motor control required for such things as pulling a trigger or manipulating a computer control pad. Tentacles that replace the mutant’s legs reduce his movement to ¼ normal but the mutant cannot be tripped.

Advancement: +1 bonus to grapple or increasing the constriction damage by one rank (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, etc.).


Type: Xenomorphism
Duration: Constant or see description
Use: Constant or see description
Damage: None

The mutant can either fly or glide at his normal movement rate depending on his total weight and Strength score. In order to fly the mutant must weigh less than ten times his strength score; otherwise he can only use the wings for gliding short distances or leaping up to 120 feet with a maximum height of 80 feet. The structure of the wing is up to the player (bat-like, insect-like, bird-like, etc…) and there is a 50% chance that the wings replace the mutant's arms.

Advancement: Increase the effective weight limit by 10% each time it is taken or add +30 ft. to the movement rate.

hdr bulletMental Mutations

Android Mutant Category
  01 -- 15 Mental Defect
01 -- 35 16 -- 35 Physiomatic
36 -- 65 36 -- 55 Telekinetic
  56 -- 75 Telepathic
66 -- 95 76 -- 95 Psionikinetic
96 -- 99 96 -- 99 Player Choice
00 00 Roll two more times (reroll this result after first occurance)

Unless otherwise noted, most mental mutations, when used in an offensive capacity, require a successful mental attack roll.

Concentration: When a mutation requires the mutant to concentrate to maintain the effect, the mutant can only move at half his normal rate and cannot perform any other actions. If the mutant is successfully attacked, he must make a saving throw versus Stun or the concentration will be disrupted and the effect will immediately end. Unless stated otherwise in the description, the mutant may only concentrate for a maximum number of rounds equal to his Willpower score.

Mental Defect

Range: Varies
Duration: See Mutation
Number: Self or see Mutation
Use: See Mutation
Damage: See Mutation
Advancement: None

The mutations found in this category typically have a negative impact on the mutant and his traveling companions. As most of these mutations affect only mutant or passively affect everyone within range of the mutation, none of these mutations require a mental attack roll to produce their effects.

Mental Defect
Roll Mutation
01 -- 06 Antipathetic Field
07 -- 12 Apathy Field
13 -- 18 Beserker
19 -- 25 Insanity
26 -- 31 Irrational Hatred
32 -- 37 Mental Block
38 -- 43 Mental Defenselessness
44 -- 50 Mental Inhibiting Field
51 -- 56 Mind Reflection
57 -- 62 Neurological Fear Trigger
63 -- 68 Periodic Amnesia
69 -- 75 Phantasmal Damage
76 -- 81 Phobia
82 -- 87 Seizures
88 -- 93 Socially Awkward
94 -- 00 Weak Will

Antipathy Field

Type: Mental Defect
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation causes everyone within 90 ft. of the mutant to feel irritable and aggressive towards others. All reaction checks made within range of this mutation suffers a penalty to any reaction rolls based on the intelligence of the creature or individual involved. For those with an intelligence of less than 3 the penalty is +8, for an intelligence between 3 and 8 the penalty is +6, for an intelligence between 9 and 15 the penalty is +4, and when dealing with anyone with an intelligence greater than 15 the penalty is +2. This penalty is also applied to any checks involving hiring retainers or attracting followers.

Apathy Field

Type: Mental Defect
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation causes anyone within 90 ft. of the mutant to feel apathetic, showing little interest in the world about them. A saving throw versus Death is allowed, but if failed the creature affected suffers a -2 on all attack and damage rolls, saving throws, ability checks, etc. The affect is continuous while within range of the mutant. The mutant itself does not suffer the effects of the field. Those that travel with the mutant are are continuously within range of him for at least a week grow resistant to the effects and are not subjects to the effects of the field.


Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation causes the mutant to go into a beserk fury if he draws blood in a melee conflict where either side has more than one person involved. During this fury he loses all distinction between friend and foe and will attack anyone within hands reach until no one is within 30 ft. of him or he has continuously battled for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution. Once he falls out of the beserk fury the mutant is exhausted and can only move at half his normal movement rate and all attacks and ability checks suffer a -2 penalty. Once the muntant falls out of a beserk fury, he cannot enter one again until he has fully recovered from the last one (requiring at least ten minutes of complete rest). During the fury, the mutant will rely on physical hand to hand attacks and he cannot use any mental mutations other than those that are continuously operating beyond his normal control.


Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

The mutant has a 50% change of being brilliant (Intelligence and Will Power both gain a +3 bonus) but suffers from irrational bouts of irrational thinking, especially in times of stress (such as being surprised or encountering something terrifying). This type of irrational breakdown results in one of the following (roll 1d10):

(1-2) Paranoia: The mutant believes that everyone is out to harm him and will not trust anyone, including close friends or relatives.

(3-4) Hyperactivity: This effect mimics the Increased Metabolism mutation, but the mutant can only perform at this level for a number of minutes equal to his Constitution score before he has to rest.

(5-6) Depression: The mutant suffers from the effects of the Slow Metabolism mutation caused by general thoughts of darkness and apathy.

(7-8) Hallucinogenic: The mutant sees and hears things that are not there. As a result, he may attack things that are not there or may flee from friends that he sees as terrors that spring from his nightmares.

(9-10) Schizophrenic: The mutant suffers a psychotic break and believes he is someone else with a completely different personality.

Most of these effects provide interesting role-playing situations, and the Mutant Lord may or may not decide to use the Mutant as an NPC if a player-character has gained this defect. The length of time the mutant suffers from a bout of insanity may last 1d4 days to 1d4 months or even longer, depending on several factors including what triggered the bout and any medical or societal help the mutant is given to break free from the grasp of his insanity.

Irrational Hatred

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: None

The mutant suffers an intense reaction of anger when encountering a specific trigger. This may be a specific creature, species, object, situation, or event. The Mutant Lord may choose the trigger or he may allow the player-character to pick his own trigger. Once triggered, the mutant will react violently (such as attacking a creature or person that is his trigger or trying to destroy it if it is an object). If something less tangible (such as a rain storm), the mutant suffers the effect of the Beserker mutation and will attack anyone nearby until there is no one left to attack or he drops from exhaustion (see Beserker).

Mental Block

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation grants the mutant the ability to mentally block out or erase a person, place, or thing that caused him great stress or harm. In the mutant's mind such a thing just does not exist. When faced with such a thing again, his mind will just not recognize the person, place or thing as real and will not react to them. Each time the mutant suffers a extremely violent or stressful situation (typically when he is reduced to less than 5 hit points), there is a 10% chance that his mind will block it out or erase it completely from his consciousness and if in the same or nearly identical person, place, or thing is encountered again, the mutant cannot sense it and if forced to react to it suffers a black out for 1d4 minutes.

Mental Defenselessness

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
Use: Permanent
Damage: None

This mutation causes the mutant to be nearly powerless against mental attacks. As a result, the mutant's Will Power is considered 2d6 points lower than his actual Will Power score for purposes of Mental Attacks. The mutant's adjusted score for this purpose cannot be reduced below 3 and his Will Power is not adjusted for purposes of the mutant making his own mental attacks.

Mental Inhibiting Field

Type: Mental Defect
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation causes the mutant's mind to emit a mental field of static interference that causes all other mental mutations or powers to stop functioning while within range of the mutant's field (including any other possible mental mutations the mutant may have – though defects may operate normally). Mental based mutations that are projected from outside the range of this effect operate normally and mental attacks from such mutations are handled normally. Those within range of the effect are allowed a saving throw versus Stun each round in order to use a mental mutation.

Mind Reflection

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: By mutation
Use: By mutation
Damage: By mutation

If the mutant uses a power or mutation that requires a mental attack, any natural roll of 5 or less will cause the power to affect the mutant instead of the target, even if the attack would have been successful. The effect of the power or mutation will immediately be applied to the attacker, though if the mutation grants a saving throw, the mutant is allowed to make a saving throw. If the effect would control or influence the victim, the mutant becomes stunned instead for the normal duration of the effect or a number of rounds equal to the mutant's Will Power if the duration does not have a pre-determined length of time.

Neurological Fear Trigger

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d4 minutes
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation causes the mutant to physically attempt to flee when encountering a specific species, robot, or other object or thing as determined by the Mutant Lord. If the mutant encounters the trigger object or creature, he must make a saving throw versus Stun or run away at his full movement rate for 1d4 minutes. If he fails his saving throw but cannot flee, then he falls unconscious for 1d4 minutes. If the mutant makes a successful saving throw, he may confront his trigger object but suffers a -2 to all attack and damage rolls, and ability checks while in the presence of the trigger object or creature.

Periodic Amnesia

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation is triggered when the mutant suffers more than half his hit points in damage from a single battle. If the mutant suffers a lot of physical damage, there is a 10% chance per 10 points lost below half the mutant's hit points that he looses portions of his memory for the last 2d6 days and this loss is permanent unless a saving throw versus Death is made (in which case the mutant regains the memories in 1d4 weeks).

Phantasmal Damage

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: See below

The mutant's nervous system and mind work against him, causing him to suffer additional damage from physical and mental attacks (effectively double normal damage). This extra damage should be tracked separately from the mutant's normal damage (though if both sets of damage added together equal his hit points, the mutant will die). Phantasmal damage caused by physical attacks are all recovered after 8 hours of rest while extra damage caused by mental attacks heal at the mutant's normal healing rate.


Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: See below
Damage: None

The mutant has a terrifying and completely petrifying fear of an object, creature, or condition. Possible phobias include darkness, insects, robots, certain weapons, plants, etc. The Mutant Lord will assign the trigger for the phobia or it can be rolled randomly. When the mutant is confronted with the trigger of the phobia he has a 50% chance of either becoming completely rigid, unable to move or do anything, or attempt to flee in the opposite direction at his full movement for 1d4 rounds. The mutant will not knowingly or willingly enter an area where he will be confronted by the focus of his phobia.

  1. Environmental condition (darkness, fire, water, ruins, enclosed spaces, open spaces, etc.)
  2. Weaponry (advanced weapons, primitive firearms, bladed weapons, etc.)
  3. Creatures (Animals, Insects, Spiders, etc.)
  4. Objects (Robots, vehicles or ships, etc.)


Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d6 minutes
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation causes the mutant to begin convulsing spasmodically for 1d6 minutes when facing a stressful situation. The chance of going into a seizure is 10% if surprised. If the mutant is engaged in a battle where the odds are two to one against the mutant the chance of having a seizure is 20%. If the mutant suffers more than half his hit points in damage he has a percentage chance of going into a seizure equal to the loss of hit points and this should be checked each time he takes more damage. While having a seizure the mutant cannot perform any other action and has a 25% chance each minute of suffering 1d6 points of damage from hitting objects nearby while he suffers the convulsions.

Socially Awkward

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

The mutant is unable to effectively operate in social settings. As a result, his Charisma suffers an initial -3 penalty when this mutation is gained (Minimum score of 3). If the mutant hires retainers, the maximum morale these retainers can have is 6 regardless of the mutant's Charisma score.

Weak Will

Type: Mental Defect
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

The mutant's Will Power is ineffective for both mental attacks and defense. As a result, his Will Power suffers an initial -6 penalty when this mutation is gained (Minimum score of 3). If the mutant has other mental mutations that he can use to attack others, the usage, range, and duration of those other mutations are effectively halved.


Range: Varies
Duration: See Mutation
Number: Self or see Mutation
Use: See Mutation
Damage: See Mutation
Advancement: Once per 3 levels

The mutations found in this category typically relate to the idea of mind over matter, especially the mutant's own body and its functions.

Roll Mutation
01 -- 04 Ability Boost (Defect)
05 -- 09 Bio-Electric Sensitivity (Defect)
10 -- 14 Ability Boost
15 -- 19 Accumulated Resistance
20 -- 23 Acute Pain Endurance
24 -- 28 Bio-Energy Feedback
29 -- 33 Bio-Energy Leech
34 -- 38 Bio-Energy Manipulation
39 -- 42 Body Adjustment
43 -- 47 Body Adjustment, Others
48 -- 52 Combat Empathy
53 -- 57 Density Control (Others)
58 -- 61 Devolution
62 -- 66 Empowered Will
67 -- 71 Increased Willpower
72 -- 76 Intellectual Affinity
77 -- 80 Molecular Bonding
81 -- 85 Molecular Transformation
86 -- 90 Negative Bio-Electric Pulse
91 -- 95 Quick Mind
96 -- 00 Other or Player Choice

Ability Boost (Defect)

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d4 minutes
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

This mutation is nearly identical to the Ability Boost mutation, but any gains in one ability randomly reduces 1d3 other ability scores by the same amount. Any abilities that are reduced are only regained through 8 hours of rest. The ability that was boosted remains so for 1d4 minutes before returning back to normal and the mutant must rest for ten minutes or become exhausted for the rest of the day, suffering a -2 to all attack rolls and ability checks. No ability score can be reduced below 3 or increased beyond 21 due to this mutation.

Advancement: None.

Ability Boost

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d4 minutes
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to control and redirect his physical energies to increase one of his six ability scores by six points (maximum score of 21) for one to four minutes. After the time expires, the ability score returns to normal and the mutant must rest for ten minutes or suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and ability checks for the rest of the day.

Advancement: The mutant may use this ability two additional times each time this mutation is advanced or increase the ability score two additional points.

Accumulated Resistance

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to choose one type of attack or environmental condition (physical, electrical, radiation, heat, cold, etc.) granting him a natural resistance against damage from the type chosen. This resistance gives the mutant a separate pool of hit points equal to his normal hit points. When the mutant takes damage from the type chosen, damage is counted against this separate pool first. Once this separate pool reaches zero, the damage is then applied to the mutant's normal hit points.

The hit point pool is regained with normal rest, just as normal hit points. Mutations that accelerate healing do not affect this resistance pool, nor do pre-event medications.

Advancement: None.

Acute Pain Endurance

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 2d6 minutes
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to focus his mental energies to completely suppress any negative physical sensations including pain and fatigue. Once triggered, this effect allows the mutant to avoid any penalties for being exhausted or fatigued. As a result, once triggered, any hit point damage the mutant has already accumulated is instantly removed. Damage suffered once this mutation is triggered is applied normally. Once the mutation's duration ends, the mutant is automatically fatigued and he must rest for ten minutes or suffer a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls for the rest of the day.

Advancement: Increase use by one additional time per day.

Bio-Electric Sensitivity (Defect)

Type: Physiomatic
Range: 5 ft.
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: 1 hit point per living creature in range

This mutation causes the mutant to suffer 1 hit point of damage per round for each living creature within 5 ft. of him. The mutant has no control over this mutation or it's effect.

Advancement: None.

Bio-Energy Leech

Type: Physiomatic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Once per minute
Damage: 2d4 points

This mutation allows the mutant to absorb the bio-electric energy from any living creature within 30 ft. of him with a successful mental attack, damaging friend and foe alike within range. If the mental attack is successful, the victim takes 2d4 points of damage and the mutant heals the same number of hit points up to his maximum hit points. The leeching fatigues the mutant for 1d4 rounds after it's use, causing the mutant to suffer a -2 penalty on attack and ability check rolls. The mutant may use the mutation again (if advanced in that fashion) while fatigued but suffers the penalty for the mental attack. The fatigue penalty cannot be increased beyond -2.

Advancement: Add one additional use per minute, increase the range by 10 ft., add +2 to the mental attack roll for this mutation, increase the damage by one die type (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc.) up to a d12, or gain a hit point reserve beyond the mutant's normal hit point total of ten points per advancement. Any additional hit point reserves are lost after 24 hours.

Bio-Energy Manipulation

Type: Physiomatic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to manipulate the bio-energy of another living being within range with a successful mental attack. A successful result allows the mutant to physically control his victim as a puppet. This mutation does not allow the mutant to control the victim's thoughts or speech and any actions he causes the victim to perform are choppy and suffer a -2 penalty to any action or attack.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an additional use of this mutation per day or increase the range by 30 ft. or may attempt to control one additional living creature within range simultaneously with separate mental attack rolls for each victim.

Body Adjustment

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d3 minutes
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to focus his energies to make physical adjustments to his body based on his Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 9 or less he may increase his physical attributes for a 1d3 minutes. When triggered, this mutation increases the mutant's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores by three additional points for the duration of the effect. In addition he gains a temporary 3d6 hit points during the effect. As with Ability Boost, the mutant becomes fatigued once the effect wears off and must rest ten minutes or suffer a -4 penalty to all attack and damage rolls for the rest of the day.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 15 or less he may focus his energies to instantly heal wounds, regaining twice his Willpower score in hit points up to his maximum hit point total.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 18 or higher he may use this mutation to instantly heal all damage and gain a temporary bonus to one of his physical ability scores for 1d3 minutes (adding half his Willpower score to the ability chosen). As with the first effect of this mutation, this temporary gain fatigues the mutant once the effect wears off as given above.

The mutant may choose how he wants to use this mutation each time it is triggered if he has a high Willpower score.

Advancement: The mutation's usage may be increased by one each time it is advanced or the mutant may increase the duration by 1d3 minutes for temporary effects.

Body Adjustment, Others

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

The mutant can use this mutation to either cause or heal damage for another living creature by successfully touching it for one round. Once the creature is touched, it either loses or regains a number of hit points equal to the mutant's Willpower score, based on how the mutant was using the mutation. Using this power does not require a mental attack, but if the target is unwilling or actively trying to avoid the mutant's touch, he must make a normal melee attack roll. Hit points healed cannot exceed the target's maximum number of hit points.

Advancement: The mutant may either increase the usage of this mutation by one additional time per day or increase the healing or damage effect by adding an additional number of hit points equal to his Willpower score.

Combat Empathy

Type: Physiomatic and Telepathic
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation subconsciously boosts the mutant's reflexes in stressful situations, granting him a +1 to hit during melee combat and a damage bonus of +3 per die. In addition, if the mutant is surprised there is a 50% chance that he can still take an action during the surprise round.

Advancement: Each time this mutation is advanced, the mutant gains an additional +1 to hit and an additional +1 to each damage die.

Density Control (Others)

Type: Physiomatic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant can control the overall density of the body of another living creature by making a successful mental attack. He can expand the size of his opponent by making it less dense, granting the victim a bonus to his movement while his overall armor class is diminished. He can also compact the victim's size making it more dense, granting him a bonus to his armor class while his movement is reduced. The mutant can increase/decrease the density of another by 20% each round up to 100% in either direction. Each 20% change impacts his movement by 5 ft and his Armor Class by one point. Thus, a mutant that increases his size by 100% would gain an extra movement rate of 25 ft. while his armor class suffers a +5 penalty. The result for reducing his size by 100% would reduce his speed by 25 ft. while gaining a -5 bonus to his Armor Class. Regardless of the victim's density, his overall mass does not change and normal clothing and equipment do not change with him which can lead to embarrassing or inappropriate situations. When increasing the size of the opponent, if the victim is wearing armor or clothing that restricts the growth of the victim, it cannot be increased in size beyond 20%.

Advancement: None.


Type: Physiomatic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Permanent
Use: Once per day
Damage: See below

This mutation requires the mutant to make a mental attack against one living opponent within range. If successful, the opponent loses one mutation (of the Mutant Lord's choice or randomly rolled) or loses one point from one of the ability scores (again chosen by the Mutant Lord or randomly rolled). If the target loses a point of Constitution hit points are not reduced. The effect is permanent.

There is a 5% chance that the opponent successfully struck by this mutation is actually regressed to an earlier version of the species from which it evolved (such as a normal animal, or a human or humanoid into a more primitive neanderthal or homo erectus).

Advancement: The number of uses per day may be increased by one each time this mutation is advanced.

Empowered Will

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d4 minutes
Use: Once per day
Damage: By mutation

This mutation allows the mutant to increase one other mutation that has one or more variable effects (such as damage, effect, duration, or range) by doubling the variable effects of the mutation chosen. This mutation will not allow the mutant to increase the number of uses per day of another mutation. If the mutant has no other mutations with variable effects or if he wishes to gain a direct bonus from this mutation, it increases his Will Power by +4 for purposes of defending himself against mental attacks.

Advancement: The mutant may gain one additional use of this mutation per day each time it is advanced.

Increased Willpower

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation gives the mutant an initial bonus of +4 to his Will Power score. In addition, if the mutant fails a mental attack that grants someone else control over his body or mind, this mutation requires another mental attack to be made once per minute to maintain control over the mutant.

Advancement: None.

Intellectual Affinity

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

This mutation enhances the mutant's ability to conceptualize, create, and follow through in specific realms as listed below:

1-2 Crafting Affinity: Given sufficient raw materials (junk) and time, the mutant can craft any type of primitive weapon, armor, or equipment. Any archaic weapon crafted by the mutant gains a +1 to hit and armor created weighs 75% of its normal weight.

3-4 Martial Affinity: The mutant gains the ability to strategize on the spot during military engagements. From a personal level, the mutant gains a +2 to hit and a +1 per die in damage in combat. In addition, the mutant has a 80% chance to determine the most potent foe or leader of the opposing side's on the battlefield and taking out that opponent forces remaining forces to make a morale check immediately.

5-6 Mechanical Affinity: The mutant gains the ability to intuitively understand mechanical, electronic, and electrical devices. As a result he automatically gains a +20% bonus to any rolls trying to figuring out technological artifact. In addition, if the mutant has other spare parts he can attempt to repair a broken item per the rules found section four on Technology rolls.

7-8 Psychological Affinity: The mutant has an inherent sense as to how to interact with others to his greatest advantage. The mutant gains an initial bonus of +3 to his Charisma score. In addition, if the mutant suffers a negative reaction while he is trying to hire or talk his way out of a bad situation, he may attempt to talk his way out of it and the Mutant Lord may roll another reaction check at his discretion.

9-10 Commerce Affinity: The mutant has an intuitive sense as to the value of items and when selling items will typically get the full value of the item. When assessing the value of an item including technological artifacts, the mutant adds +3 to his Intelligence score for the ability check.

Advancement: None.

Molecular Bonding

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: Indefinite
Use: As desired by Mutant
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to form a molecular bond with any object held or worn. Melee weapons bonded to the mutant's hand(s) cannot be dropped and the mutant gains a +1 to hit and +2 to damage caused with the weapon. Clothing or armor bonded to the mutant cannot be removed and is treated as natural armor. The mutant can use this ability to keep from being tripped or pushed by bonding to the ground as long as it is a solid surface (concrete, stone, etc.) and even to slowly climb walls and other solid surfaces. The process of bonding requires a round before it is effectively bonded. If used to climb solid surfaces, the mutant's effective movement rate is ¼ normal.

Advancement: None.

Molecular Transformation

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: One turn
Use: Once per Day
Damage: None

This mutation grants the mutant to alter his molecular substance to match that of another substance (such as stone, metal, glass, etc.) gaining the properties of the material. The biggest advantage for this mutation is that it alters the mutant's natural armor class based on the material used for the transformation. Semi-rigid materials like plastics and wood the mutant gains a -3 bonus to his armor class while harder substances grant an armor class bonus of -5 or greater based on Mutant Lord determination. However, for each two point (or fraction) bonus the mutant gains in armor class, his Dexterity is temporarily reduced by one point while his Strength and Constitution is increased by one point. The increase in Constitution does grant a temporary increase in hit points which are lost when the transformation ends.

Advancement: Add one use per day or increase the duration by one turn.

Negative Bio-Electric Pulse

Type: Physiomatic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Once per Day
Damage: See below

This mutation requires a mental attack against everyone within range and only works on living creatures. Those that were successfully attacked are reduced to 1 hit point. Once this mutation is used, the mutant must make a saving throw versus Stun or fall unconscious for 1d10 turns. Even if successful, the mutant is fatigued and suffers a -2 to any attack rolls or ability checks for a turn after the mutation is triggered.

Advancement: Add one additional use per day, add +2 to the mental attack roll, or increase the range by 10 ft.

Quick Mind

Type: Physiomatic
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

The mutant's mind operates at least twice as fast as others of his species. As a result, he gains a +10 % bonus to all technology rolls and the amount of time required is halved. In addition, he gains a +1 to hit in melee combat and gains a -1 bonus to his armor class against foes engaged in melee (but no against ranged attacks). When defending against a mental attack, the mutant's Will Power is treated as if it was three points higher than his actual score.

Advancement: None.


Range: Varies
Duration: See Mutation
Number: See Mutation
Use: See Mutation
Damage: See Mutation
Advancement: Once per 4 levels

The mutations found in this category typically relate to the idea of moving matter by mere thought. It also includes mutations that remotely interact with environmental elements.

Roll Mutation
01 -- 05 Telekinetic Bubble (D)
06 -- 10 Accleration
11 -- 16 Atmospheric Manipulation
17 -- 22 Disintegration
23 -- 28 Earth Manipulation
29 -- 33 Fire Manipulation
34 -- 38 Molecular Detonation
39 -- 44 Molecular Kinesis
45 -- 50 Reflection Field
51 -- 56 Telekinesis
57 -- 61 Telekinetic Flight
62 -- 66 Telekinetic Hold
67 -- 72 Telekinetic Levitation
73 -- 78 Telekinetic Punch
79 -- 84 Telekinetic Shield
85 -- 89 Water Manipulation
90 -- 95 Weather Manipulation
96 -- 00 Player Choice


Type: Telekinetic
Range: See Description
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: As Desired
Damage: None

The mutant has a selective telekinetic mutation that he may use for one of two effects. First, he may boost his movement rate by 10 ft. per round. The second allows him to telekinetically enhance any thrown or primitive ranged weapon (any weapon relying strictly on the mutant's muscle power to launch the weapon) that adds 20% to the range of the weapon and adds a +3 bonus to any damage caused by the weapon. This mutation can be used for either effect in a single round, but not both.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the speed push from this mutation by 10 ft. or increase the range of the thrown or launched weapon by another 20% and gain an additional +2 damage modifier.

Atmospheric Manipulation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 10 times Willpower ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: As Desired
Damage: See below

This mutation allows the mutant to control the direction and force of air flow within range. This control allows the mutant to pump up speed of the air to the point where it can reach the level of a small cyclone, but it occurs incrementally over a number of rounds that cannot exceed the mutant's Willpower score.

Each round the mutant uses the effect, he can increase or decrease the air speed within range by 10 miles per hour. Creatures or moving objects within the area of effect will find movement and other actions impossible once the wind speed matches the opponent's Strength score times ten. If the air speed increases to one and a half that value, the creature or object will be blown out of the area of effect and will take 1d6 points of damage for every 10 ft. it is blown back or blown into another larger object. For air speeds below the threshold, the opponent's movement rate is reduced by the effective fraction of the threshold and the air speed generated that round. Any creature or object blown out by the wind does allow a saving throw versus Death or reduce damage by half. Primitive ranged weapons become ineffective in winds of 50 mph or greater while primitive firearms become ineffective with wind speeds of 100 mph or greater. Other advanced ranged weapons are not impacted by the wind speeds generated.

This mutation does not grant the mutant much fine control, he can direct the moving air about himself, but cannot direct it around other friends or allies within range. This mutation requires a large open area to be effective, and if in a confined or shut in area, the mutant's ability to build up air speed is effectively halved or quartered depending on how cramped the area.

Advancement: The mutant may accelerate the rate of speed by an additional 5 mph per round or the mutant may gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw to avoid losing concentration of this mutation.


Type: Telekinetic
Range: See Description
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Once per day
Damage: 1d6 per point of Willpower

The mutant can break down matter at a molecular level. The range and effect of this mutation is based on the mutant's Willpower. This power causes damage equal to the mutant's Willpower and if the mutant has a Willpower of 9 or less the range is touch, otherwise the range is equal to 3 times the mutant's Willpower score. Inanimate objects suffer structural points and the total mass cannot exceed 10 times the mutant's Willpower score in pounds. Animate objects and living creatures are allowed a saving throw versus Death to take half the damage from the attack (an attack roll is not required, but a saving throw is required). Immediately after using this mutation, the mutant must make a saving throw versus Stun or fall unconscious for 1d10 minutes and he cannot make another attack for at least 2d10 rounds.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the number of daily uses by one or increase the damage type by one step (d6 to d8, d8 to d10) with a maximum die type being a d12.

Earth Manipulation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 10 times Willpower ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: See below
Damage: See below

The mutant can telekinetically control earth (either loose or packed) within range. Solid stone, metal, and other surfaces cannot be manipulated by the mutant. Up to one cubic foot per point of Willpower can be manipulated and controlled by the mutant, and if his concentration is broken the earth returns to its original location. The mutant can use this mutation for a number of consecutive rounds equal to his Willpower score and he cannot use it again for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds just used. This mutation can be used to raise or lower earth within range up to the total amount the mutant can manipulate each round, as well as cause earth to move or glide at a movement rate equal to the mutant's normal movement rate. Thus, the mutant could ride the wave moving his normal movement rate while he does not actually move himself or he can use this wave to knock over opponents. Protective walls can be created to provide cover against attacks or earthen globs can be used to attack others using the mutant's effective level to determine the success of the attack. These attacks can be launched at any target within range of the power and cause 1d6 points of damage per 3 cublic feet of the earthen glob launched or wielded by the mutant.

Advancement: The mutant may gain a +1 bonus to his saving throw versus Stun or increase the cubic feet by .2 each time it is advanced or the mutant may increase the speed of a moving shift of earth by an additional 10 ft.

Fire Manipulation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 10 times Willpower ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: See below
Damage: See below

This mutation allows the mutant to control any open flames within range. He can cause a fire to burn more intensely, move in a desired direction, or expand in size or the opposite actions (reduce intensity or implode in on itself). The intensity or size of the flame can be increased or decreased by a factor of 2d6 each consecutive round, respectively consuming the appropriate amount of flammable materials in the process. If this mutation is disrupted, the mutant must wait a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds the mutation was used before he can use it again. Unlike Earth, Air, or Water manipulation, the loss of control of a fire does not cause it to return to its original condition, but the fire spreads and continues to burn as intensely as the last round the mutant had control, but it moves in random directions as determined by the Mutant Lord.

Thus, the mutant could use this mutation to increase the damage of a torch from 1d6 points of burning damage to 2d6 on the first round, 4d6 on the second, 6d6 on the third, etc. The maximum damage the mutant can cause with this mutation is 12d6 points. If used to generate a wall of flame, it provides partial cover and anyone attempting to pass through the wall takes damage equal to the intensity of the flame being generated. The Mutant Lord may determine that insufficient materials are available to continue using this mutation more than a set number of rounds and the mutant is limited to being able to maintain the effect for a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. Examples would be a torch would burn out after three to four rounds of this mutation, a small wooden shack might provide enough materials for eight to ten rounds. Chemical explosions and fuel can also be used, the damage caused is increased by a number of d6's based on the round of the effect in which they are used. This mutation does not give the mutant any resistance or protection against heat or flame.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an extra d6 per round in incremental damage or add a factor of 2 to the range of the power or gain a +1 to the saving throw versus Stun to avoid losing concentration.

Molecular Detonation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Twice per Day
Damage: 5d6

The mutant may focus on any inert material of up to a cubic foot in size within range and cause it to explode with a a concussive force damaging everything within 20 ft. of the material he chose. Anyone within that area is allowed a saving throw versus Energy to reduce the damage by half. Regardless, the material itself is utterly destroyed by this effect.

Advancement: The mutant may gain two additional uses of this ability per day or increase the damage by 2d6 points of damage.

Molecular Kinesis

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: See Below
Damage: See Description

The mutant can raise or lower the temperature by increasing or decreasing the molecular agitation of all the molecules in a limited area equal to one cubic foot per point of Willpower he possesses. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 15 or less only one effect can be obtained (either heat or cold with a 50% chance of either) when the mutation results. If the mutant has Willpower greater than 15 then he can use either effect as desired. He can move the area relative to himself as long as it stays within range. Living creatures not immune to the effect (heat or cold) suffer 1d6 points the first turn and a cumulative additional 1d6 points per round thereafter up to a total of 10d6 points. A mental attack is not required, but victims are allowed a saving throw versus Death to only take half damage and the effect requires the mutant to concentrate to continue the effect over multiple rounds. If the mutant is successfully attacked while maintaining this mutation, he must make a saving throw versus Stun or the effect is terminated and the mutant must start over from the beginning. The mutant may maintain the effect of this mutation for up to a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. Once it is disrupted or dropped, the mutant must wait a same number of rounds before he can attempt it again.

Once damage reaches a threshold of 5d6 points or greater flammable materials are likely to combust if the mutant is increasing the temperature or items are likely to be frozen solid if the temperature is being decreased.

Advancement: The mutant may raise or lower the temperature more rapidly, causing an additional 1d6 points of damage per round (1d6 first round, 3d6 second round, 5d6 third round, etc...) or the mutant may gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw to avoid losing concentration for this effect.

Reflection Field

Type: Telekinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Concentration
Use: See Below
Damage: None

This mutation requires the mutant's full attention and he cannot attack or more more than half his movement rate each round. Once initiated, this mutation may be continuously used for a number of rounds equal to the mutant's Willpower. This power reflects any attack that causes damage back on the attacker. The amount of damage returned upon the attacker starts out at 2d6 points per successful attack the first round. For each consecutive round the damage reflected increases by 1d6 points (add to the prior total reflected the round before) up to 20d6 points of damage. If the mutant actually takes damage he must make a successful saving throw versus Stun or his concentration is broken and he loses the reflection field. Once the reflection field is dropped, it cannot be re-initiated for a number of rounds equal to the highest number of dice used to generate the field.

Advancement: The mutant can add one die to the initial number of points first reflected or gain a +1 to any saving throw to avoid losing concentration.


Type: Telekinetic
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: See below
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to lift and move objects or creatures weighing up to 10 times the mutant's Willpower in pounds and move it as desired within range of the mutation. It does require the mutant's complete concentration to use this mutation, and if successfully attacked he must make a saving throw versus Stun or his concentration will be lost and the object or person will be dropped. If using this mutation on another creature or an object in the possession of another creature, the mutant must first make a successful mental attack. The mutant cannot use this ability to lift himself and the mutation lacks any fine motor control, so object can be picked up and moved, but moving levers, pushing buttons, etc are not possible. The mutant can use this mutation continuously for up to a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. Once the mutant has used this ability, it cannot be used again for a number of minutes equal to the number of rounds he used the mutation.

Advancement: The mutation's range may be increased by 20 ft. or the lift factor may be increased by 5 or gain a +1 to any saving throw to maintain his concentration.

Telekinetic Bubble (D)

Type: Telekinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant constantly emits a telekinetic bubble about himself that prevents him from falling or coming into contact with hard surfaces. It acts similar to a telekinetic shield and provides 10 + 1d6 points of protection against physical attacks each round. However, this field is always in effect and cannot be muted or shut down. As a result, the mutant cannot come into contact with other medium sized or larger objects and if the object does not move the mutant bounces back 1d4 times 5 ft. If a physical attack actually pierces the field, the energy feedback will cause the mutant to make a saving throw versus Stun or be knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds. The mutant has a difficult time maneuvering and performing basic actions due to the inconvenience of the bubble and most tasks take at least twice as long as normal to perform for the mutant.

Advancement: None.

Telekinetic Flight

Type: Telekinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Concentration
Use: As Desired
Damage: None

The mutant may lift himself up off of the ground and move in any direction with a base speed equal to his Willpower score multiplied by ten (one third this value for movement per round). This mutation requires the mutant to concentrate and he can not perform any other action while using it. If damaged or successfully attacked while flying by this means, the mutant must make a saving throw versus Stun or his concentration will be broken and he will begin to fall. If in mid flight when this mutation is disrupted, the mutant may attempt to kick it back on the next round (if he hasn't hit the ground) by making a successful Willpower check with a +5 penalty to the roll. The mutant cannot carry more than three times his Willpower score in weight while using this mutation.

Advancement: The mutant may take one additional person or creature of his size or less on his telekinetic flight. Unwilling participants must be successfully overcome with a mental attack and the “passenger” follows the mutant's flight pattern. The mutant cannot drop the effect on a passenger without dropping the effect on himself.

Telekinetic Hold

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: As Desired
Damage: None

This mutation grants the mutant the ability to forcibly hold and paralyze a medium sized or smaller creature with a successful mental attack. The victim can be held as long as the mutant maintains concentration on the effect up to a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. If the mutant is successfully attacked it automatically forces him to re-roll the mental attack to maintain control of the opponent being held.

Advancement: The range may be increased by 30 ft. or the number of uses per day may be increased by two or an additional opponent may be held simultaneously as long as both mental attacks are successful.

Telekinetic Levitation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Concentration
Use: As Desired
Damage: None

The mutant can telekinetically lift himself up or float downward at a rate equal to his Willpower score. There is no limit to distance traveled but the mutant must concentrate to maintain this effect. If the mutant is successfully attacked while using this mutation, he must make a successful saving throw versus Stun to maintain his concentration. The mutant may attempt to regain control of this mutation on the next round (if he hasn't hit the ground) by making a successful Willpower check with a+5 penalty to the roll. The mutant can lift a total weight equal to ten times his Willpower score in pounds, including other people as long as they are physically touching.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the weight he may carry by a factor of 5. Thus, advancing this mutation once will allow the mutant to lift up to 15 times his Willpower score.

Telekinetic Punch

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: As Desired
Damage: 1d6, see below

The mutant's telekinetic ability is limited to physically striking targets within range. The mutant must make a normal attack roll with his telekinetic punch and he must be able to see or precisely sense his target and if successful the punch causes 1d6 points of damage. If the mutant attacks the same target in consecutive rounds, the damage increases by 1d6 with a maximum potential of 10d6 and if the attack misses, the damage drops back down to 1d6 again. This attack has no effect against telekinetic shields, reflection fields, or powered force fields.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 30 ft. or increase the initial damage by 1d6.

Telekinetic Shield

Type: Telekinetic
Range: See Description
Duration: Concentration
Use: As Desired
Damage: None

The mutant may generate a field of telekinetic energy that prevents anything from passing through it. The field's size is dependent on the Willpower score of the mutant. If the mutant's Willpower is 12 or less, the field envelopes the mutant and extends just an inch beyond his physical body. If the mutant's Willpower is 18 or less the field can be extended up to a 5 ft. radius around the mutant. If the mutant has a Willpower of greater than 18 he can produce a telekinetic field with a 5 ft. radius sphere within 30 ft. of the mutant. When the field is created, it can absorb up to 20 + 2d6 points of damage per round, and this value is redetermined each round. The mutant must concentrate to keep the field up and can do nothing more than move up to half his normal movement rate. If the mutant is successfully attacked, he must make a saving throw versus Stun or the shield will be lost. The shield can be maintained for a number of consecutive rounds equal to the mutant's Willpower score, after which point the mutant cannot produce the field again for a number of minutes equal to the number of rounds it had been active.

Advancement: The mutant may either increase the strength of the field by 10 +1d6 points or gain a +1 bonus to any saving throw to maintain the shield.

Water Manipulation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 10 times Willpower ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: See below
Damage: See below

The mutant can telekinetically control any quantitative water source within range. Up to one cubic foot per point of Willpower can be manipulated and controlled by the mutant as long as there is sufficient water in the area of effect. The mutant must concentrate in order to use this mutation doing no more than moving half his movement rate, and if the mutant is successfully attacked he must make a saving throw versus Stun or the water will be returned to its original location. The mutant can use this mutation for a number of consecutive rounds equal to his Willpower score and he cannot use it again for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds just used. This mutation can be used to raise or lower water within range up to the total amount the mutant can manipulate each round, as well as cause the water to rise up into a wave moving at a movement rate equal to the mutant's normal movement rate. The mutant may attempt to ride the wave by making a successful Dexterity check each round to stay on the wave (no penalty is applied). Protective walls can be created to provide cover against attacks or waves of water can be used to attack others using the mutant's effective level to determine the success of the attack. These attacks can be launched at any target within range of the power and cause 1d6 points of damage per 6 cublic feet of the water wave launched or wielded by the mutant. The water can also be used to slow opponents down (effectively reducing their movement rate by half unless they make a successful Dexterity check with a +5 penalty to the roll to avoid the effect).

Advancement: The mutant may gain a +1 bonus to his saving throw versus Stun or increase the cubic feet by .5 each time it is advanced or the mutant may increase the speed of a moving wave by an additional 10 ft.

Weather Manipulation

Type: Telekinetic
Range: 1 mile
Duration: Concentration
Use: See below
Damage: See below

This mutation grants the mutant the ability shift or adjust weather patterns within range. The mutant may attempt to cause specific weather conditions to manifest themselves by concentrating on the effect desired. The mutant may concentrate for a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score before he loses control over the effect. If the mutant is successfully attacked while using this mutation, he must make a saving throw versus Stun to maintain his concentration. Once he loses concentration, the mutant may not attempt to use this mutation for a number of minutes equal to the number of rounds he concentrated on this mutation.

The power provided by this mutation is incremental in nature. In the first few rounds the mutant may attempt to cause winds to increase or decrease or cause moisture in the air to coalesce into clouds or fog or even raise or lower the ambient temperature by 5 to 10 degrees. The mutant must make a Willpower check to attempt to manifest specific weather conditions, and a check must be made each round he attempts to change the effect (including intensity). Subtle changes are relatively easy with no penalties to the check. For advanced conditions including rain, snow, dust storms, or even tornadoes, the Mutant Lord may give penalties to the roll to match the effect desired.

The mutant does not have fine control over the effect generated, so he couldn't dictate the path of a tornado or exact locations lightning may strike. If the mutant summons threatening and dangerous weather (including tornadoes, lightning storms, etc.) they will typically manifest 2d4 rounds after initially being summoned by the mutant. Once they are manifested the effect has a 50% chance of impacting anyone within the range of the mutation causing 1d6 points of damage per point of Willpower of the mutant unless a saving throw versus Death is made in which case only half damage. This mutation will attack friend and foe alike, including the mutant manifesting the power.

This mutation does not function indoors unless the structure is open and large enough to encompass the range of this mutation.

Advancement: The mutant may gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw to maintain his concentration with this mutation. Another advancement that the mutant may take is gaining some control of the power generated from the weather condition, causing the 50% chance of being damage by the condition to change to 60% for foes and 40% for friends including the mutant. If the same advancement is taken again, this shifting in percentage chance of striking targets changed by another 5% each time.


Range: Varies
Duration: See Mutation
Number: See Mutation
Use: See Mutation
Damage: See Mutation
Advancement: Once per 5 levels

The mutations found in this category typically relate to the ability to connect to the minds of others for purposes of communication, control, or impairment.

Roll Mutation
01 -- 03 Aggregate Psi Link
04 -- 07 Combat Empathy
08 -- 11 Cultural Empathy
12 -- 15 Emotional Vampirism
16 -- 18 Empathy
19 -- 22 Illusionary Environment
23 -- 26 Illusionary Foe
27 -- 30 Memory-morphosis
31 -- 33 Mental Barrier
34 -- 37 Mental Blast
38 -- 41 Mental Inhibitor
42 -- 45 Mental Multiplier
46 -- 48 Mental Reflexion
49 -- 52 Mind Thrust
53 -- 56 Neural Flight Trigger
57 -- 60 Neural Stasis
61 -- 64 Possession
65 -- 68 Psychic Cloaking
69 -- 72 Psychic Perception
73 -- 76 Psychic Sixth Sense
77 -- 80 Psychic Vampirism
81 -- 84 Radical Synaptic Breakdown
85 -- 88 Stunning Blast
89 -- 92 Suggestion
93 -- 96 Telepathy
97 -- 00 Player Choice

Aggregate Psi Link

Type: Telepathic
Range: Touch
Duration: By Mutation
Use: Once per day
Damage: By Mutation

The mutant may amplify the effects of a mental mutation he possesses by physically connecting with other mutants that share the same mutation. The mutation being amplified must be something each connected mutant can still use for the day and the total amplification is based on several factors. The initial effect of this mutation adds the total effective Willpower score for the mutation equal to the Willpower of the mutant with this mutation (Aggregate Psi Link) plus another three points per individual linked. If another mutant has this mutation, the mutant with the highest Willpower score wins out in regards to calculating the Willpower score being generated, though each mutant with this mutation adds +4 to the overall Willpower score rather than +3.

The number of mutants that can be linked is based on the mutant whose Willpower score is used for the initial value. The mutant's Willpower score is divided by three—rounded down—and the result is the number of mutant that can be linked (though other mutants with the Aggregate Psi Link mutation are not counted against this number). Regardless of the number of mutants that possess this mutation that join the connection, the maximum number of mutant cannot exceed the Willpower score of the mutant initiating the link. The mutant must all be physically touching each other to complete the link.

The effect of the mutation is based on the mutant with the most advanced gains for the mutation. If several mutants have advanced the mutation being amplified in different ways, a conglomeration of the effects is gained Any effects based on the Willpower of the mutant, uses the calculated Willpower of the group. If the effect requires concentration, any successful attack against any member of the group will require that member to make a saving throw versus Stun or lose concentration. If a single member loses concentration, then the effect immediately ends. Only mental mutations may be amplified in this manner and defects or mutations that are constantly in use cannot be amplified with this mutation. The mutant must have at least one additional mutant to link to for this mutation to be effectively used.

Advancement: The mutant may advance this mutation by gaining one additional use per day.

Cultural Empathy

Type: Telepathic
Range: Personal
Duration: Continuous
Use: Continuous
Damage: None

The mutant's psychic energies manifest itself when dealing with other sentient living creatures. When encountering NPCs (individually or in groups) that are not automatically hostile towards the mutant, the mutant gains a -2 bonus to any initial reaction check made by the Mutant Lord. In addition, when trying to hire others or gain retainers, the mutant gains the same -2 bonus to the reaction for the hiring offer. These bonuses are in addition to any gained from the mutant's Charisma score modifier. Personal retainers that are within sight of the mutant have an automatic morale of 11 regardless of race or species as long as the are living creatures.

Advancement: None.

Emotional Vampirism

Type: Telepathic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: See below

The mutant gains strength from strong emotions, particularly hate and strife. When anyone enters into combat within range of this mutation, the mutant's physical strength increases 3 points and he can attempt a mental attack against one target engaged in the combat. If successful, that victim loses 1d6 hit points and the mutant gains them as a temporary reserve. Hit points lost in this manner are regained automatically ten minutes after they have been drained and if a victim is reduced to 0 hit points due to this mutation, he will fall unconscious for 1d4 hours. Hit points gained by the mutant are lost after ten minutes as well and once all combat ceases within range, the mutant's strength falls back to the mutant's normal strength score. Extreme feelings of love or lust also trigger this effect, but such situations are within the discretion of the Mutant Lord.

Advancement: None.


Type: Telepathic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: As desired
Damage: None

The mutant may actively sense any base emotions a living creature within range without making a mental attack. The mutant may attempt to modify a creature's general emotional state (such as fear, anger, contentedness, apathy, etc.) by making a successful mental attack and then concentrating to maintain the effect for a maximum number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. The mutant may only move at half his normal movement rate while concentrating and if the mutant is successfully attacked while maintaining the effect he must make a saving throw versus Stun or lose the effect of the mutation until he tries to reinstate the effect. If the opponent moves out of range the effect automatically ends as well.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 30 ft. or increase the duration by one round once concentration is lost.

Illusionary Environment

Type: Telepathic
Range: 100 ft. per point of Willpower
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once every 4 hours
Damage: None

The mutant can alter the appearance of area within range of this mutation to anything he wishes. Anyone entering or within the area of effect must make a saving throw versus Energy Attacks to disbelieve the illusion and only living creatures are affected by this mutation (including replicants, but not other types of androids). If the change in the environment doesn’t mesh well with the area then a +2 bonus is gained in the saving throw. Those that succeed in their saving throw do not see through the illusion, but know it for what it is.

Illusions can be used to effectively hide others within it as long as the mutant can see those he wishes to hide prior to activating the illusion. Since this is a mutation of the mind, it will affect all the senses of another living creature unless the saving throw is successful, in which case mutationally enhanced senses can be used to detect the actual environment and anyone hidden within as normal.

Advancement: The mutant may advance the use by shortening the time span between uses by one hour (with a minimum of once an hour for each use) or he may increase the difficulty of seeing through by adding a -2 penalty to any saving throws to detect the illusion.

Illusionary Foe

Type: Telepathic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: Twice per day
Damage: By creature type, non-lethal

The mutant can project a monster into the mind of a foe by making a successful mental attack. The illusionary creature causes non-lethal damage to the victim and its Hit Dice is based on how well the mental attack was successful. If the mutant rolled exactly what was needed to attack the opponent, the creature has one hit die. For each point above the roll required, one hit die is added to the illusionary creature. Thus if a mutant with a Willpower score of 12 was attacking an opponent with a Willpower of 10, a roll of 8 would generate a one hit die creature in the mind of the opponent. If the mutant rolled a 16, then the victim would perceive a creature with 9 Hit Dice with appropriate abilities and attacks. In general creatures of 1 to 3 hit dice will bite or claw for 1d6 points of damage, creatures of 4 to 6 hit dice will attack for 1d8 points of damage, creatures of 7 to 9 hit dice for 1d10 points of damage, and larger creatures will do 2d6 or more points of damage. The illusionary monster will have an AC equal to 9 minus its hit dice and an average number of hit points (4.5 per hit die, round down). The Mutant Lord may also choose a suitable monster of the approximate Hit Die to use as the illusionary monster.

If the mutant manifesting this mutation has a Willpower of 12 or less, only one victim can be attacked by the illusionary monster and only he sees it. For every 2 points of Willpower above 12, one additional person can be attacked by the illusionary foe, but it will see it based on the results of the mental attack by the mutant (the mutant only rolls one mental attack and applies it against the Willpower of all those he wishes to use this mutation against). If the mental attack fails, the victim will see a shadowy shape but will not be able to make out details and he may completely ignore the beast and it has no effect on him.

Those attacked and damaged by the illusionary monster take normal damage but once the victim reaches 0 hit points, he falls unconscious instead of dying. Damage caused by the beast completely fades away once the illusion is dissipated. If the victim slays the illusionary foe, it dissipates for him and all damage it may have caused automatically heals.

Advancement: The mutant may extend the range by 30 ft. or add one additional use of this mutation per day when advancing the mutation.


Type: Telepathic
Range: Touch
Duration: See below
Use: As desired
Damage: None

The mutant can manipulate the memories of others with this mutation. The mutant must be physically touching the victim and then make a successful mental attack roll. If successful, the mutant can absorb the victim's memories at a rate determined by the mutant's Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower of 9 or less he can absorb the victim's memories at a rate of one day per round. A Willpower score of 12 allows the mutant to absorb a week's worth of information per round, 15 grants a speed of one month per round, and a Willpower score of 18 or higher allows the mutant to absorb half a year's worth of memories in one round. If the mutant absorbs the victim's whole life the mutant may suffer from personality overload and he must make a saving throw versus Stun or he will think he is the victim. In such circumstances the effect will last 1d4 days but there is a 10% chance that the effect is permanent. Regardless of how fast the mutant can absorb the memories, it still takes time to sift through them to find any particular piece of information and the memories absorbed fade from the mutant's mind after 1d4 hours.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 12 or higher, he may attempt to alter or remove the memories of the victim as well. However, the victim is allowed a saving throw versus Death to avoid the effect and if the victim's Willpower is higher than the mutant altering or removing the memories, he gains a +1 bonus to the saving throw for each point of difference between the two scores.

Advancement: None.

Mental Barrier

Type: Telepathic
Range: See below
Duration: See below
Use: As desired
Damage: None

This mutation requires the mutant to actively raise his mental defenses and it can only be maintained consecutively for a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. Once activated, any mental attacks against the mutant suffer a -4 penalty to the attack roll. In addition, if the mutant's Willpower score is 12 or higher he may grant this same bonus to one person per 2 points of Willpower above 10 within 10 ft. of the mutant. If the mutant is caught in a surprise round and is mentally attacked, he is allowed a saving throw versus Stun to instinctively raise this barrier during the first attack.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the penalty by -2 or add one additional person that this mutation may be extended as long as his Willpower score is at least 12.

Notes: If the mutant has Mental Barrier and Mental Reflexion, if the attack would have normally succeeded before the penalty is applied, the mental reflexion mutation will still redirect the attack back to the attacker.

Mental Blast

Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Once per day
Damage: 1d6 points per 3 points of Willpower

This mutation allows the mutant to make a mass mental attack against all living creatures within a 30 ft. radius of the mutant. The mutant only has to roll once for the mental attack, and all living creatures within range must apply that against their Willpower score and if the attack succeeds then the creature suffers 1d6 points of damage for every 3 points of the mutant's Willpower score (rounded down).

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 10 ft. or add one additional use per day or increase the damage by 2d6 points of damage.

Mental Inhibitor

Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant can attempt to inhibit the mental mutations of a single foe by concentrating on that opponent as long as the opponent stays within range of this mutation. The mutant can only move at half his movement rate while concentrating on this mutation and if the mutant is successfully attacked he must make a saving throw versus Stun or the concentration will be broken and this mutation's effect will automatically end. The mutant must make a successful mental attack against the foe he is attempting to inhibit, and if successful the target may not use any conscious mental mutations. Mutations that are constantly operating or defects are not affected by this mutation. The mutant may maintain this effect for a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score.

Advancement: The mutant may use this ability one additional time per day or increase the range by 10 ft.

Mental Multiplier

Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per day
Damage: See below

The mutant may multiply the mental mutation of another mutant (but not his own) by concentrating on the effects of the other mutant's mutation. This mutation will not allow the mutant to take control over the other mutant's mutation, but the mutant benefiting from this effect cannot sense the power or aid of the mutant using this mutation. Using this mutation requires the mutant to concentrate and he can only move at half his normal movement rate. If the mutant is successfully attacked while using this mutation, he must make a saving throw versus Stun or the concentration will be broken. This effect will not increase the original mutant's mental attack, but it will increase the range or area of effect of the mutation by two as as the effective strength or damage caused by the mutation. This mutation cannot be used to increase the effects of a defective mutation, nor will it allow more uses per day for the mutant using the mutation being multiplied.

Advancement: The mutant can increase the number of uses of this power by one time per day.

Mental Reflexion

Type: Telepathic
Range: Varies
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: See below

This mutation is constantly in effect. If the mutant is struck with any mutation that requires a successful, mental attack, his mind unconsciously redirects the attack back to the attacker at full effect. The mutant is still susceptible to the effect of the attack, but the attacker may also be affected by the mutation. If the mutation was meant to control the mutant, both the mutant and the attacker both become immobile if the attack impacts both of them for the duration of the mutation. If the mutation requires the attacker to concentrate on the mutation for duration, then the effect lasts for 2d4 rounds for both the attacker and the mutant if both succumb to the initial attack. If the mental attack fails against the mutant, the attack is not redirected to the attacker.

Advancement: None.

Mind Thrust

Type: Telepathic
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: See below
Damage: 3d6

The mutant may blast another living creature with pure psychic energy with a successful mental attack. The mutation must recharge after being used so the mutant can only use this power once every other round.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 25 ft. or add 2d6 points of damage, or make an additional mind thrust attack in a single round.

Neural Flight Trigger

Type: Telepathic
Range: 60 ft.
Duration: 1d6 rounds
Use: Once per round
Damage: None

The mutant may target an individual living creature within range and upon a successful mental attack, the victim flees from the mutant as fast as he can for 1d6 rounds before the effect wears off. For every three Willpower points above 12, the mutant may use the mutation on one additional person per round. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 24 or higher, he may use this mutation against everyone within range though he cannot differentiate between friend or foe and only one mental attack roll is made which is then applied against the Willpower scores against all those within range.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 30 ft. or increase the range of the duration by an additional 1d6 rounds.

Neural Stasis

Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant may attempt to paralyze a single living creature by making a successful mental attack and then maintaining concentration for a maximum duration in rounds equal to the mutant's Willpower score. For every three Willpower points above 12, the mutant may target an additional living target when this mutation is first triggered. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 24 or greater, he can affect everyone within range including both friend and foe.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 10 ft. or increase the number of uses per day by one.


Type: Telepathic
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: Indefinite, see below
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant may attempt to wrest mental control over another living creature with a successful mental attack. Once control is obtained, the mutant’s own body goes dormant, appearing unconscious and it will not respond to any sort of stimulation. Once in control, the mutant may move as far away from his own body as he desires, though if he desires to relinquish control and re-enter his own body it must be within range as listed above.

While possessing the victim, the mutant has full control over the victim’s body including any physical and mental mutations, though the mutant loses access to his own mutations except for the possession. The mutant retains his own Intelligence, Charisma, and Willpower scores while in a possessed body, but the mutant uses the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the victim including hit points. If the possessed victim should die while being possessed, the mutant will perish as well and his physical body will begin to decay normally (see below).

While the mutant possesses another creature, his body will lie in dormancy for a number of days equal to his Constitution score. After that time, the body will begin to lose 1d4 hit points per day until the body expires naturally. The mutant may attempt to jump from body to body with this mutation, but each time the victim must be within range and if unsuccessful while occupying a previous body that was not his own, the mutant must also make a successful mental attack against the prior victim to retain control of that body. If the mutant fails both mental attacks in such a situation and his own body is not within range, the mutant automatically perishes. Victims of a possession that are controlled in such a manner for more days than their Willpower score must make a saving throw versus Death when they regain control or automatically gain the insanity mutation effect (even if pure human).

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by an additional 10 ft. or gain one additional use per day with this mutation while advancing it.

Psychic Cloaking

Type: Telepathic
Range: Personal, see below
Duration: 1 round per point of Willpower
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant may cloak his presence from other living creatures, effectively making himself invisible while facing living creatures. This effect does not cloak the mutant against robots, computers, or video systems. Thus a cloaked mutant may not be detected by someone in normal sight range but if seen through a remote video camera, those on the other end can see the mutant normally. If the mutant attacks or does anything to actively interact with others, the effect automatically ends. This effect does allow the mutant to surprise living creatures with a 50% chance of success. For every thee points of Willpower above 9 allows the mutant to extend this effect to another person as long as they are in physical contact.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an additional use per day.

Psychic Perception

Type: Telepathic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Concentration
Use: As desired
Damage: None

If the mutant actively concentrates on one target within range, he can detect whether or not the target has one or more mental mutations. This effect does not require a mental attack initially. If the mutant continues to concentrate on the same target and does make a successful mental attack, he can determine what mental mutations the target has, spending a round for each mutation being analyzed.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range of this mutation by 30 ft. each time it is advanced.

Psychic Sixth Sense

Type: Telepathic
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's psychic energies are deftly attuned to the aggressive thoughts and actions of other living creatures. As a result, the mutant is only surprised 1 in 6 when facing potential attacks from living creatures within 90 ft. In addition, the mutant gains a -1 bonus to his armor class when physically attacked by a living creature within range of this mutation as he gains a sense of where the opponent is planning on striking him.

Advancement: The mutant can increase the range by 30 ft. each time this mutation is advanced.

Psychic Vampirism

Type: Telepathic
Range: Touch
Duration: 1d4 hours
Use: Twice daily
Damage: None

The mutant can sap the Willpower of another living creature with a successful mental attack. The mutant must successfully make physical contact with the creature and then the next round he must make a mental attack. If successful, the mutant may temporarily drain 1d6 points of the victim's Willpower score and add it to his own. He may continue to drain Willpower from a victim unless the victim can break away by making a successful saving throw versus Death and move away from the mutant (effectively ending the mutant's ability to drain further points of Willpower). If the victim drops to 0 points or less of Willpower, he will fall unconscious for 1d4 days and once recovered will have permanently lost one point of Willpower. There is no limit to how high the mutant's Willpower score can be increased by this mutation, but all gains are temporary and only last for 1d4 hours before his Willpower returns to normal.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the amount of time he can maintain the additional Willlpower by 1d4 hours.

Radical Synaptic Breakdown

Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Use: Once per minute
Damage: None

The mutant may target a living creature within range and attempt to cause a mass misfiring of random synapses within their brain, causing the victim to act erratically for 1d4 rounds. If the mental attack is successful, the victim will either 1) Do absolutely nothing, 2) Attack nearest creature or object, 3) Attempt to hurt itself, 4) Run or move as fast as possible in a random direction, 5) Fall unconscious, or 6) Seek out mutant using this ability and attempt to attack him. Any creature affected by this mutation cannot use a mental mutation that requires concentration or require a mental attack roll. For every three Willpower points above 9 allows the mutant to target one additional target during the round this mutation is used. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 24 or higher may use this effect against all living creatures within 30 ft. though he cannot differentiate between friend or foe if used in this manner.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 10 ft. or increase the duration by 1d4 additional rounds.

Stunning Blast

Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: See below
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

This mutation affects all living creatures within range. The mutant makes a mental attack and applies the result against the Willpower scores of everyone within range (friend and foe alike). If the attack succeeds the opponent falls unconscious. Pure humans are affected for 1d6 turns (ten minute periods) while mutant humanoids, animals, and plants are only affected for 2d4 minutes.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 10 ft., add one additional use per day, or increase the duration of the effect (adding 1d4 minutes for mutants or 1d6 turns for pure humans).


Type: Telepathic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: 1 round
Use: Once per Hour
Damage: None

This mutation allows the mutant to temporarily force one or more living creatures to perform an action for their next turn. This mutation requires a successful mental attack and the creature does not have to understand the mutant’s language as the command is passed telepathically. The command must be relatively simple and something that can be completed within the time span of a round. For every three Willpower points above 9, the mutant may use this mutation on one additional target simultaneously (it must be the same command for all affected targets) though the mutant only makes one mental attack roll to be applied against the Willpower scores of all the opponents targeted. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 24 or higher, he can apply this effect against all living creatures within range including friends and allies.

Advancement: The mutant may extend the range by 10 ft. or add one additional use per hour.


Type: Telepathic
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: See below
Use: See below
Damage: None

The effects of this mutation are driven by the mutant's Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 9 or less, the mutant must concentrate to use this effect and can only connect with one other mind at a time. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 12 or less may perform other actions while connecting or maintaining a connection with another individual. For every three points above a Willpower score of 12 allows the mutant to connect to one additional mind simultaneously. This mutation allows the mutant to communicate directly with another living creature with no language requirements and a mental attack is not required, though the individual connected may withhold a response if desired. If the mutant wishes to read the surface thoughts or emotions of another living creature, a mental attack roll will be required. Any creature being probed by the mutant will feel the probing unless the mutant attempts to mask the effect. If the mutant may actively mask his probe by accepting a -4 to the mental attack roll and the victim is allowed a saving throw versus Death to detect the mutant's presence. Probing the surface thoughts of an unwilling participant requires more effort than normal communication, and the mutant must concentrate while doing so. If the mutant is successfully attacked while using this mutation to probe the mind of an opponent, he must make a saving throw versus Stun or lose the link to the other mind. The mutant can only probe the mind of one individual at a time.

The mutant may use this power with any living creature within range and the may maintain the link indefinitely unless he is using it against an unwilling victim. When forcibly using this mutation, the mutant can only maintain the effect for a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score before he must make another mental attack to continue the probing. If the mutant has a Willpower score of at least 12, he can forge a mental link with one other individual within 50 ft, after which the connection will continue until the mutant or other connected individual becomes unconscious up to a number of miles equal to his Willpower score. Additional mental links can be forged as listed above for simultaneous connections based on the mutant's Willpower score.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the range by 50 ft. or add another simultaneous connection as long as the mutant's Willpower score is at least 12.


Range: Varies
Duration: See Mutation
Number: See Mutation
Use: See Mutation
Damage: See Mutation
Advancement: Once per 5 levels

The mutations found in this category involve abilities typically beyond normal or para-natural capabilities of the human mind. These mutations typically bend the natural laws of physics, including time and space.

Roll Mutation
01 -- 05 Reactive Displacement (D)
06 -- 10 Absorb Mutation
11 -- 15 Astral Projection
16 -- 20 Chronal Conjuration
21 -- 25 Chronal Manipulation
26 -- 30 Computer Link
31 -- 35 Gravity Manipulation
36 -- 40 Immortality
41 -- 45 Magnetic Manifestation
46 -- 50 Photonic Manipulation
51 -- 55 Planar Portal
56 -- 60 Precognition
61 -- 65 Psychometry
66 -- 70 Quantum Refraction
71 -- 75 Shadow Walk
76 -- 80 Spatial Perception
81 -- 85 Teleport
86 -- 90 Temporal Fugue
91 -- 95 True Sixth Sense
96 -- 00 Player Choice

Absorb Mutation

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per point of Willpower
Use: Once per day
Damage: By mutation

The mutant must successfully touch a victim then make a mental attack roll. If successful, me may temporarily strip the victim of one mutation (either mental or physical) for a number of rounds equal to the mutant's Willpower score. If the mutant knows one or more of the mutations possessed by the victim, he may select the mutation absorbed (otherwise the Mutant Lord may randomly pick one and may include defects if desired). This mutation does not let the mutation detect or determine the mutations of others.

Advancement: The mutant may gain one additional use for this mutation per day.

Astral Projection

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: See below
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant may project his spirit outside of his body through space or even other planes or dimensions. While the mutant is projecting, his body lies in a comatose state and if the mutant's spirit doesn't return after one full day the body dies. The mutant may naturally project his spirit for a number of turns equal to his Willpower score before his spirit is drawn back to his body. But if he becomes lost or entrapped then this process is broken and he must find his own way back. If the mutant travels to another location on the same plane then he has no chance to become lost. If the mutant chooses to travel to another dimension or plane of existence there is a 5% chance per turn that the mutant becomes lost.

While traveling in this method, the mutant cannot interact with the physical realm and may pass through objects as if they were not there. He may interact with other astral spirits and other planes of existence or dimensions may have different laws in regards to how the astral spirit may be affected. The astral spirit has the same number of hit points as the mutant's physical body and if attacked and killed astrally, the mutant dies instantaneously in his physical body as well.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an additional use of this ability per day or reduce any chance of becoming lost by 20% or take an additional traveler with him if they are willing.

Chronal Conjuration

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant can open a small temporal rift and conjure a normal object from his past or future whose weight cannot exceed a number of pounds equal to his Willpower score. If the object is something that the mutant normally has access, the chance of success of conjuring the item is 100%. He may also attempt to conjure forth a specific piece of ancient technology but it must be something he is familiar with and have a fairly good chance of finding or acquiring such an object during his life time. The percentage chance of conjuring such an item is 10%, plus 10% for the mutant currently possesses or has possessed such an object in the past. The grade and condition of the object conjured can be randomly determined by the Mutant Lord. Object obtained by this mutation are real and permanent, though items with limited reserves (such as ammunition or power) may only have a random number of uses.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an additional 10% chance to summon technological items.

Chronal Manipulation

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: See below
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

This mutation grants the mutant some limited control of time relative to those around him in the time-space continuum, dependent on the mutant's Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 9 or less he may emit a field of chronal particles that last 1d4 minutes. During that time, any extra-planar or bio-energy effects within 30 ft. of the mutant do not function. This includes all Physiomatic mutations that target others as well as all Psionikinetic mutations including teleport, shadow walk, planar shift, etc.

If the mutant has a willpower of 15 or less he may attempt to distort time for a short period of time, increasing his own movement in time in relations to other. This effect allows the mutant to treat each round as three, gaining additional actions and movement, including any equipment he may be using. While operating in this manner the mutant suffers 1d6 points of damage per round (normal) due to the forces of air friction unless the mutant has resistance against kinetic forces. The mutant also gains a +4 baonus to saving throws and any direct attacks automatically fail while the mutant is distorting time. This effect last for one minute (10 normal rounds). The mutant does not have to roll for initiative each of his accelerated rounds unless an opponent has the same power (in which case they resolve initiative normally for each accelerated round), but does have to follow the normal initiative order so if the opponent wins initiative they may still do their movements and actions before the mutant can take his accelerated rounds.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 18 or higher then he may attempt to alter the local time line by traveling forward or backward in time by a number of days equal to his Willpower score. The mutant may attempt to travel further distances but the chance of success decreases by 10% for period beyond that (each period equal to the initial number of days equal to the mutant's Willpower score). If the attempt fails by 50% or less than the total percentage then the power does not work, otherwise the mutation does send the mutant or target (see below) either in the future or past to some random point in time (as determined by the Mutant Lord). The mutant may attempt to cause an object or creature to travel instead of himself, requiring the mutant to successfully touch the target and a saving throw versus death is allowed for animated objects or living creatures. Only objects or creatures of approximate size equal to or less than the mutant may be so moved in this manner. The location does not change so if the area where the sending occurred has a solid object when the mutant or target materialize, they are instantly destroyed. Regardless of whether or not this effect was successful, the mutant is fatigued for 1d4 hours. The Mutant Lord has full discretion on how or if this effect of the mutation works within his campaign, and may assess the mutant penalties or change encounters to take this mutation's ability into effect or may rule that such jaunts are actually alternate time realities so any alterations that the mutant should happen to make will have no impact on the current time reality in which the game takes place. The mutant may come into contact with himself through use of this power at which point the mutation is treated as the Temporal Fugue mutation except only one copy of the mutant appears.

Mutants with higher Willpower scores may choose which effect they wish to trigger when using this mutation.

Advancement: For the first two effects, the mutant may advance the number of uses by one additional time per day. For the last effect, the mutant may gain an additional 10% chance of success when traveling further into the time stream or he may add the effects to one additional person (either targeting two or more opponents or taking other with him when he makes the jump).

Computer Link

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: 1 round per point of Willpower
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant's mind is capable of linking to any artificial intelligence, granting him the ability to temporarily controlling robots, androids, or computers for a number of rounds equal to his Willpower score. Computers and robots with AI intelligence and all androids must be successfully mentally attacked (the Mutant Lord should determine their effective Willpower score). If the attack is unsuccessful, extremely powerful robots or computers may attempt to temporarily take over the mutant instead (though they must make a successful mental attack as well). Pre-programmed robots or computers can automatically be controlled when this mutation is used. This power will not penetrate any type of energy or mental field. When attempting to figure out any device with an active computer, the mutant gains a +20% bonus to his roll to figure out how to use the item. This mutation does not grant the mutant the ability to sense the existance of computers or robots in range.

Advancement: The mutant may gain one additional use of this mutation per day.

Gravity Manipulation

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: See below
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant can adjust gravity in a localized area based on his Willpower score. If the mutant's Willpower score is 9 or less, he can concentrate and cause the gravity on an object up to a cubic foot per 3 points of the mutant's Willpower score. The mutant can increase or decrease the effective gravity on the object by 50%, which will change the item's weight by the same amount. Items made lighter are easier to lift and carry while items made heavier are harder to lift and carry. If the mutant uses it on an object carried by another the opponent must first be successfully attacked with a mental attack roll. If a weapon is made heavier, the wielder will suffer a -2 penalty to attack with the item and the range of physical missiles are shortened is reduced by half.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 15 or less he can manipulate the gravitational pull on a living creature of the mutant's approximate size or less including himself by up to 50%. If the mutant increases the gravitational force pressing against a living creature, the victim's weight increases and his movement is reduced by half while any attacks, saving throws, or ability checks suffer a -2 penalty. If the mutant decreases the gravitational force on a living creature, the creature's movement rate increases by half while its weight is decreased by half. The range for this effect is 5 ft. per point of Willpower possessed by the mutant and if used against an unwilling target, a successful mental attack must first be made.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 18 or greater he may manipulate the gravitational force in a 10 ft. radius, causing everyone and everything within that area to effectively increase or decrease the respective gravity pull by 50% with the same effects as listed above. Saving throws versus Stun are allowed for anyone within the area of effect to fight off the effects of the mutation.

The mutant must concentrate to use this mutation, but he may move at his normal movement rate while it is in use.

Advancement: The mutant may add one additional use per day or increase the gravitational effect by a multiplier of 50%. This multiplier is applied to the last percentage change the mutant could manifest with this mutation, so taking it once would allow the mutant to increase or decrease the gravitational pull by 75%. Each multiplier will increase or decrease the apparent weight by the new percentage and effectively increase or decrease movement by the same amount and for each multiplier a -2 penalty is applied when increasing the gravity on a living creature's attacks, saving throws, and ability checks. The mutant may never increase the gravity to 100% of the earth's normal gravity pull, nor may he decrease it to 0%.


Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's body manages to reconstruct itself from the fabric of reality within a period of time dependent on his Willpower score. Each time the mutant is resurrected, he has the same abilities and mutations (though not necessarily any of his equipment) and appears in the general area where he died. If the mutant's Willpower score is 9 or less, he will be resurrected in 1d4 weeks after his death. A Willpower score of 15 or less grants the mutant the ability to return after 1d4 days. And a Willpower score of 18 or greater allows the mutant to return after 1d4 hours after his death. Each time the mutant is resurrected, he must make a saving throw versus Death or he will automatically gain the Insanity mutation, and once gained it cannot be removed. The mutant can gain multiple insanities until he reaches the point where is his completely insane (player-characters should become NPCs at this point at the Mutant Lord's discretion).

Advancement: None.

Magnetic Manifestation

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: See below
Duration: Concentration
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant has the ability to increase, decrease, or alter the effects of magnetic fields based on his Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 9 or less he can manifest a magnetic field about himself that will prevent any weapon containing ferrous materials (most metallic weapons and missiles) from striking him while he concentrates.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 12 or less he may use this mutation to lift and move metallic items weighing less than twice his Willpower score within 50 ft. of him. If the item is being carried or worn by another person, a successful mental attack is required to take control of the metallic item. Such items can be used to attack or defend the mutant and he may project them out to 90 ft, causing damage based on the weapon type or weight of the object (1d6 points per ten pounds) as long as a successful attack is made by the mutant. This effect does require the mutant's concentration, but if using metallic objects in this fashion does not break his concentration. If the mutant chooses to use this effect in a defensive manner (as the initial effect), he may protect a 10 ft. diameter against metallic objects as long as the weight of those objects does not exceed his weight limit above.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 15 or less he may affect ferrous object weighing five times his Willpower or less as described above or two items weighing up to twice the mutant's Willpower score. For every three points of Willpower above 15, the mutant may add a weight factor of 3 or an additional item if multiple items are being controlled simultaneously. Defensively, this power may be used with an increased area of the field equal to 20 ft. with a Willpower score of 15 and an additional increase of 10 ft. per 3 points increase in the Willpower score beyond 15. A mutant with a Willpower score of 18 or above may use this mutation to both defend and attack within the same round, though the use of the field counts as one of the multiple attacks.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an additional use of this mutation per day.

Photonic Manipulation

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration (See below)
Use: Once per Hour
Damage: None

The mutant has the ability to alter photonic energy (i.e. light), dependent on his Willpower score. If the mutant's Willpower score is 9 or less he can cause the energy within range to dampen to the point of complete darkness or brighten to the point of blinding light. Thermal vision will work normally within this area but night vision is made useless as it relies on at least a small amount of ambient photonic energy.

If the mutant's Willpower is 15 or less he can alter the flow of photons about his person, in effect rendering himself invisible to the visible spectrum as well as the infra-red and ultra-violet range. Creatures or objects with other types of sensory means (including radar, sonar, and thermal) can detect the mutant normally while this mutation is in effect. Otherwise the mutant has total concealment and cannot be effectively attacked unless by an area attack (such as a grenade). The mutant must concentrate to maintain this effect, though he can move his normal movement rate while using any of these powers. If the mutant uses any other active mutation or attacks this effect immediately ends.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 18 or higher and can coalesce photons into an effective laser weapon, and may attempt to strike any target within range causing 3d6 points of damage. For every three points of Willpower above 18 the mutant's damage is increased by one point per die. Using the mutation in this manner only lasts one round and does not require the mutant's concentration, though he must roll a normal attack to strike an opponent.

Advancement: The mutant may increase the number of usages per hour by one. If the mutant's Willpower score is high enough to create a laser he may advance that effect to strike an additional target per round or increase the damage by 2d6 points.

Planar Portal

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: 3d4 rounds
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant may open a portal to another dimension or plane of existence within 30 ft. of the mutant. There is a 50% chance that when the mutant gains this mutation that each time this power is used it will either be to the same alternate plane or dimension or to random planes or dimensions. If the dimension does not change, the player may define the alternate plane or dimension with Mutant Lord approval. Once the portal is created—a 10 ft. by 10 ft vertical surface of pure energy—anyone may enter through it from either side while it remains open. During the duration of the effect, the mutant may close the portal and immediately open another one to the original plane for the duration or close and open the portal to the alternate plane again, doing so once per round for the duration of the effect if desired. Unless the portal door is open is the exact same spot on both planes then any new portals may open to a completely random location in the other plane of existence.

If the mutant remains in the alternate plane once the door closes, he may attempt to open a portal back to his home plane the next time he can use this mutation. If the mutant can only access one plane then the chance of opening the door back to his home plane is 100%. If; however, the plane was randomly entered then the chance of opening another door back home is equal to his Willpower score. If the mutant has visited the plane in the past and successfully returned home from that dimension, then the chance of success is increased to 5 times his Willpower score. If the attempt fails, a portal still opens, it just isn't to the mutant's original world. The Mutant Lord has full discretion in regards to what types of planes or dimensions the mutant may be able to access or how well he can accurately pick the dimension(s) he wishes to access.

Advancement: The mutant may gain one additional use of this mutation per day or he may add a factor equal to his Willpower score when attempting to open a portal from an alternate plane or dimension back to his own world.


Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: 1d4 times per day
Damage: None

The mutant has the uncanny knack to sense what is going to happen if a certain action is taken by actively concentrating for at least one round while visualizing the action to be taken. The mutation is far from absolute and the mutant can only access it 1d4 times a day (rolled secretly by the Mutant Lord). When used, the Mutant Lord has the discretion to give as much detail or ambiguity as desired. If the action could somehow result in the mutant being hurt or killed (again determined by the Mutant Lord), he must make a saving throw versus Stun or he will fall unconscious for 1d4 minutes. The mutant may be revived by others easily enough within 1d4 rounds by physically shaking or striking him. The depth of the precognition (how far in the future he senses) is up to the Mutant Lord but a general rule of thumb is no more minutes than half the mutant's Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower score of 12 or higher, he gains a +1 bonus to any saving throws to avoid unconsciousness due to this mutation. And for every three points beyond 12 an additional +1 bonus is gained.

Advancement: The mutant may gain an additional 1d4 uses of this mutation per day.


Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

The mutant can “see” the past of an item touched. The item must not be living (though it could have been alive in the past) and the mutant gains a sense of who handled the item in the past and how it was handled. In the case of items that were once living (including dead bodies) the mutation does not give the mutant the ability to sense the motives or read the mind of the creature, only what it may have done in the past. Especially traumatic events would be picked up by this mutation while daily incidental or trival history may be glossed over or ignored. The mutant is limited to how far back he may attempt to read an object and this mutation is limited to a time-line of 10 years multiplied by the mutant's Willpower score.

This mutation does grant the mutant a bonus of +10 to +30% to any attempts to figuring out ancient items based on how often it was used within the recent past (as determined by the Mutant Lord). As with precognition, the Mutant Lord may provide as much or as little detail as desired when this mutation is used.

Advancement: The mutant may gain one additional use of this mutation per day.

Quantum Refraction

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: 10 ft.
Duration: 1 round per 3 points of Willpower
Use: Once per day
Damage: None

Depending on the mutant's Willpower, this mutation can have one of two effects. If the mutant's Willpower is less than 9 he can manifest this power which makes his body appear two to three feet from where it is actual location. This manifestation mirrors everything the mutant actually does, it just shifts the perceived appearance so that all attacks against the mutant (both mental and physical) suffer a -4 penalty while the mutant is in this state. However, if the mutant attacks another creature in melee, that creature only suffers a -2 for its next attack.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 15 or less he may create quantum replicas of himself. These are just images and if struck or successfully attacked, the image disappears. When this effect is triggered, the mutation creates 1d4+1 extra images of the mutant. These images do not actually attack and mirror every action the mutant makes once created. Any attack that successfully hits the mutant takes out one of these mirrored copies first until they have all been destroyed.

If the mutant has a Willpower of 18 or greater he may use this mutation to effectively cause himself to shift 10 ft. in any direction when struck by an attack (similar to reactive displacement) so that the mutant is allowed a saving throw versus Death and if successful the damage is negated as the mutant disappears and reappears 10 ft. in a random direction. The mutant cannot use this effect to travel through walls. The mutant must select which effect this mutation will have if he qualifies for more than one when this mutation is triggered.

Advancement: The mutant gains an extra use of this mutation per day.

Reactive Displacement (D)

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: 3d6 x 10 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Constant
Damage: None

Whenever the mutant is successfully attacked, his body is automatically teleported in a random direction. The mutation will not teleport him into a solid object though the area may not necessarily be safer than the area he was teleported from. The mutant has no control over this power and it does not negate any damage caused by an attack.

Advancement: None.

Shadow Walk

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: See below
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: As desired.
Damage: None

The mutant is able to enter a shadow and instantaneously step out from another shadow of at least the mutant's size within 2d4 times the mutant's Willpower score distance in feet each time the mutation is triggered. If there is no appropriate shadow within range the mutant may enter the shadow and effectively hide until he decides to step out of the same shadow. If the mutant stays within a shadow for more rounds than his Willpower score, he is permanently lost in the shadow realm. If the mutant is in a shadow and the shadow is effectively removed by flooding the area with so much light that there are no shadows, the mutant is also permanently trapped in the shadow realm.

Advancement: The mutant may take one additional person with him while transporting through shadows. If the person being transported does not wish to go with the mutant, he must successfully grab them prior to taking them into the shadow realm. If the mutant loses contact with the person or people he is transporting, they become permanently trapped in the shadow realm.

Spatial Perception

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant gains an extra-ordinary sense of direction and distance based on his Willpower score. If the mutant's Willpower score is 9 or less then he has an intuitive sense of direction from a fixed point which he must consciously affix in his mind when this mutation is gained. This location may be consciously changed by the mutant at will, but only while he is at the location he wishes to set as his focal point. This effect does not give the mutant a sense of distance, only relative direction. If the mutant leaves the planet, plane, or dimension to which he had fixed his focal point, this mutation no longer works until he returns. The mutant may only have one focal point.

If the mutant has a Willpower of 15 or less he gains the above effect and also gains a intuitive sense for the distance as well with an accuracy equal to his Willpower score divided by 20. For every three points above 15 in Willpower possessed by the mutant, he may affix another focal point, allowing him to pinpoint his location between the two of them. As with the effect listed above, the mutation no longer functions if the mutant leaves the planet, plane, or dimension until he returns.

If the mutant has a Willpower of 21 or greater, the mutant does not lose this mutation when hopping between planets, planes, or dimensions. Instead his sense of distance changes from a physical quanta to a more cosmic sense as given by the discretion of the Mutant Lord.

Advancement: None except as granted by increases in the mutant's Willpower score.


Type: Psionikinetic
Range: See below
Duration: Instantaneous
Use: Once per Hour
Damage: See below

The effectiveness of this mutation is dependant on the mutant's Willpower score. If the mutant has a Willpower of less than 9, he can only teleport objects equal in weight to twice his Willpower score or less and he must be able to see or sense the object. Objects moved in this fashion can be teleported anywhere within visual or sensing range including the mutant's hands. Teleporting items held by others requires a successful mental attack against the person or creature holding the object.

If the mutant has a Willpower score higher than 9 he can teleport himself up to a range of 1 mile per point of Willpower along with his own gear as long as he isn't overly burdened. If teleporting to an area where the mutant cannot see or sense the base chance of success is equal to 5% per point of Willpower, halved if teleporting to an area he has not actually been to and he gains a +20% bonus for an area he is very familiar with. If unsuccessful, there is 50% chance of either the mutant appearing in a solid object (in which case he automatically suffers 10d6 points of damage and is stuck) or he does not appear in the area attended but 2d4 miles away in a random direction.

If the mutant has a Willpower score of 18 or higher he may attempt to teleport an unwilling target to a desired location (with the same success as listed above) but he must make a successful mental attack against the victim. When used in this manner, the power cannot be used to intentionally teleport someone into a solid object, attempting to do so automatically fails. However, it can be used to teleport a victim into the air above up to a distance equal to 10 ft. per point of Willpower possessed by the mutant. Only creatures or things equal in size to the mutant can be attacked in this manner and the victim must be within at least 50 ft. of the mutant when the mutation is used in this manner.

Mutants with higher Willpower scores automatically gain the powers of those with lesser scores. Thus a mutant with a Willpower of 18 could teleport an object, himself, or an unwilling target. This mutation cannot be used to penetrate any type of energy field, whether it is generated by a technological device or a mutation.

Advancement: The mutant may choose to increase the weight allowance for teleporting objects by a factor equal to his Willpower score or he may choose to add one additional person to teleport if using it to teleport himself or unwilling victims. Anyone not wishing to be teleported must be successfully attacked with a mental attack roll. Another option is adding one additional use per hour.

Temporal Fugue

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: See below
Use: Once per day
Damage: See below

The mutant can temporarily summon forth 1d4 copies of himself from different areas in the time continuum. These copies have full hit points and are effectively the mutant with the same mutations and equipment and they will appear randomly within range of the mutation when it is triggered. The duration is 2d6 rounds plus an additional round per three points of Willpower possessed by the mutant, though the duplicates may be dismissed earlier as desired by the mutant. These other mutants may be controlled by the mutant (as they are all effectively him) but if any one of them dies the mutant must make a saving throw versus Death or he will be knocked unconscious for 1d4 hours and any remaining copies will disappear. These copies may not necessarily be from the mutant's own time line so the death will not have a direct repercussion to the mutant, but once a day the Mutant Lord may check (at whatever time he feels appropriate) and there is a flat 10% chance that the mutant will be whisked away for 2d6 rounds before reappearing exactly where he was when he disappeared at half his normal hit points and a random number of his mutations used. The Mutant Lord may—at his own discretion—decide there is a slight chance that the mutant may be slain during one of these encounters, especially if the mutant has a tendency to sacrifice his own duplicates when using this mutation.

Advancement: The mutant may gain one additional use of this mutation per day.

True Sixth Sense

Type: Psionikinetic
Range: Personal
Duration: Constant
Use: Constant
Damage: None

The mutant's connection to the universe grants him special senses to warn him of impending danger, though not necessarily from whence the danger is coming. As a result he can only be surprised on a 1 in 6, regardless of where or who is attacking him. In addition, he gains a -1 bonus to his armor class against directed attacks (either melee or ranged) that target individuals, not area of effect. The mutant also gains a +1 bonus to saving throws versus Death and Poison.

Advancement: None.

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